Irdeto to Showcase Innovative 'Irdeto Experience' at CommunicAsia 2024: Revolutionizing AP
Irdeto Experience enhances operators' capabilities with comprehensive super aggregation, insightful data and analytics, improved user experiences, and expanded monetization opportunities.
AMSTERDAM, May 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Irdeto, the global leader in digital video platform experiences and security, is thrilled to participate in CommunicAsia 2024, where it will showcase Irdeto Experience. This comprehensive suite of solutions enables pay-TV, telecommunications companies, and streaming operators to build, manage, control and enrich their video services, while leveraging the growing trend of super aggregation.
The Asia-Pacific media and entertainment market is experiencing rapid expansion, with online video revenues projected to grow at a CAGR of 6.7% to reach US $78.5 billion by 2028. This surge is driven by improved connectivity, rising connected TV penetration, and the growth of local creator economies (Advanced Television, 2024). The APAC region is witnessing a significant shift towards digital platforms, with online video sales in key markets like Japan, India, and Korea growing robustly.
Key Benefits of Irdeto Experience Include:
- Streamlined Operations: Simplifies video streaming back-ends, reduces fragmentation, and optimizes vendor interactions.
- Enriched Offerings: Supports super aggregation of global and local apps, unified search and discovery, and offers editorial and personalized recommendations.
- Enhanced Monetization Opportunities: Maximizes revenue streams through comprehensive advertising solutions, targeted campaign strategies, and versatile business model capabilities.
- Accelerated Time to Market: Irdeto Experience facilitates quicker deployment through pre-integrated solutions with Android TV and RDK managed platforms.
Additionally, the industry is navigating through a "perfect storm" of competition from direct-to-consumer streamers and smart TV manufacturers, driving operators to focus sharply on revenue through advertising and diversifying services, such as gaming and connected IoT devices. Technology investments are heavily directed towards improving user experiences and monetization avenues, crucial for maintaining competitiveness against global streaming services.
The Irdeto Experience underscores the importance of robust, scalable solutions that support super aggregation, enabling operators to maintain relevance and drive growth amidst the shifting dynamics of the industry.
Andrew Bunten, COO of Video Entertainment at Irdeto, emphasized the innovative approach of the Irdeto Experience, stating, “This platform meets the growing demand by providing a cohesive, efficient framework for content providers. It goes beyond mere content delivery, enhancing viewer engagement through state-of-the-art UI/UX, comprehensive app integration, personalized suggestions, and robust content security.”
Irdeto Experience is one of key areas in the Irdeto Video Entertainment platform, which also include:
Irdeto Armor: Drawing on our 55+ years of expertise, this suite offers comprehensive content protection solutions, safeguarding customers' content, platforms, and businesses against attacks. It provides solutions such as conditional access, multi-DRM, and keys & credentials.
Irdeto Anti-Piracy: With rising broadband connectivity, our Anti-Piracy solutions empower clients to combat evolving threats and service abuse, ensuring service integrity and profitability. It offers solutions around intelligence, detection, analysis, investigations and enforcement/reporting.
Irdeto Managed Services: It takes away the burden of maintaining the infrastructure underpinning broadcast and online content delivery. Whether operators need to optimize and support existing systems or design and deploy a new platform, Irdeto's experts take care of the technology, leaving them free to focus on attracting and engaging viewers.
For further information on how Irdeto is shaping the future of media and entertainment in the APAC region, or to schedule a demo of the Irdeto Experience, please visit Irdeto Experience website.
About Irdeto
Irdeto is the global leader in digital video platform experiences and security, empowers major media and entertainment brands worldwide. With over 50 years of expertise, our comprehensive services prioritize video experiences delivery, content protection, and anti-piracy solutions, reducing costs and driving sustainable growth while delivering unmatched user experiences. As a trusted partner, Irdeto provides vital managed services, system integration and consultancy solutions, enabling customers to focus on audience engagement. With a global presence, we offer unwavering support for continued success and future-fit strategies. With a unique pay-TV operator heritage, Irdeto is the preferred partner to empower a secure world where people can connect with confidence.
For more information, please visit
For more information, contact:
Irdeto Media Team
Sabrina Orlov
Tel. +1 343 997 7220
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