LambdaTest Introduces AI CoPilot Dashboard for Enhanced Data Analysis and Informed Decision-Making
LambdaTest's AI CoPilot Dashboard simplifies data analysis with natural language queries, offering actionable insights, predictive analytics, and collaboration features for informed decision-making.
San Francisco, May 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - LambdaTest, a leading cloud-based unified testing platform, announces the launch of its innovative AI CoPilot for Insights. The currently available beta version, leverages artificial intelligence to deliver intelligent recommendations, insights, and predictions, streamlining data-driven decision-making processes.
Exclusively available to LambdaTest's paid users, the AI CoPilot seamlessly integrates with existing data and dashboards created. This tool is designed to transform how users interact with their data by providing natural language query capabilities, intelligent recommendations based on data patterns, and predictive analytics to forecast future trends.
The AI CoPilot provides intelligent recommendations, uncovering hidden opportunities and aiding in informed decision-making using Large Language Models (LLMs). Advanced analytics features highlight key drivers and areas for improvement, while predictive analytics capabilities enable proactive decision-making based on historical data. With trend analysis, comparative analysis, and customization options, users can tailor the dashboard to their specific business needs. Seamless collaboration functionalities further enhance teamwork, fostering a culture of data-driven decision-making within organizations.
“With LambdaTest AI CoPilot for Insights, our goal is to provide users with tools that are not only easy to use but also genuinely beneficial. We aim to empower teams to engage with your data effortlessly, uncovering valuable insights and collaborating seamlessly with your team,” said Mayank Bhola, Co-Founder and Head of Products at LambdaTest. “Whether you're asking questions or predicting trends, our objective is to streamline your decision-making process, allowing you to make informed choices with confidence. LambdaTest remains committed to driving innovation in the field of software testing, and this capability is another testament to that commitment."
To learn more about the AI CoPilot Dashboard, please visit:
About LambdaTest
LambdaTest is an intelligent and omnichannel enterprise execution environment that helps businesses drastically reduce time to market through Just in Time Test Orchestration (JITTO), ensuring quality releases and accelerated digital transformation. Over 10,000+ enterprise customers and 2+ million users across 130+ countries rely on LambdaTest for their testing needs.
● Browser & App Testing Cloud allows users to run both manual and automated tests of web and mobile apps across 3000+ different browsers, real devices, and operating system environments.
● HyperExecute helps customers run and orchestrate test grids in the cloud for any framework and programming language at blazing-fast speeds to cut down on quality test time, helping developers build software faster.
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