Biognosys launches groundbreaking P2 Plasma Enrichment technology for unbiased, deep plasma proteomi
- The proprietary P2 Plasma Enrichment method leverages a novel single-well, single particle-type enrichment method to achieve market-leading performance for unbiased, deep mass spectrometry-based plasma proteomics
- P2 now offers excellent quantitation and higher throughput for large-cohort biomarker or drug discovery studies, and clinical, epidemiological or population proteomics research
- P2 Plasma Enrichment is available as a CRO service via Biognosys' TrueDiscovery® platform, or as an in-house method for high-performance mass spectrometry end-users via licensing
- With the optional additional combination of TrueDiscovery® unbiased, deep mass spectrometry proteomics workflows with targeted Alamar NULISA affinity-based ultra-high sensitivity proteomics panels, Biognosys now enables the most quantitative and complete access to the human plasma proteome
ZURICH, Switzerland and NEWTON, Mass., May 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Biognosys, a leader in next-generation proteomics services, software and kits for life sciences research and drug development, today announced the launch of the novel, proprietary P2 Plasma Enrichment method for single-well, single particle-type enrichment with market leading performance and sensible, superior economics. P2-based plasma proteomics can be used for human or for animal-model proteomics studies and clinical research.
This novel P2 plasma proteomics method achieves a proteome coverage of 7,000 proteins in a previously published five-cancer plasma sample set, demonstrating highest reproducibility, unprecedented enrichment of low abundant proteins, and unparalleled throughput on Bruker timsTOF® HT mass spectrometers. The technical features and performance data will be presented at the American Society of Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) Annual Conference in Anaheim, CA on Monday, June 3rd during Biognosys' Breakfast Seminar, “Accelerating Drug Discovery and Development with Biognosys' Next-Generation Proteomics Services,” and on Wednesday, June 5th during the WP 084 poster session.
“With our proprietary P2 Plasma Enrichment method, Biognosys can now significantly enhance the depth and throughput in plasma proteomics beyond what existing methods could achieve,” explains Dr. Oliver Rinner, CEO and founder of Biognosys. “Most importantly, this advancement comes with exceptional reproducibility, which is crucial for quantitative studies. It also provides superior economics and achieves a false discovery rate of less than 1%, that cannot be matched with expensive, high-plex affinity-based methods. Additionally, our optional licensing model now also opens a new avenue for advanced proteomics mass spectrometry end-users to access our cutting-edge methods and software for in-house use.”
Dr. Rohan Thakur, President Bruker LSMS Division, says: “Biognosys' state-of-the-art P2 Plasma method enables profiling of the plasma proteome with rigor, providing deep insights into protein expression, and uniquely leverages the proven robustness of the timsTOF HT. A powerful combination that will provide superior data-completeness with simplicity, both of significant value for large cohort studies.”
Biognosys' P2 Plasma Proteomics enrichment method is based on a proprietary, single-well, single particle-type workflow that combines optimized surface chemistry with a novel buffer system that stabilizes the labile protein corona that forms around particles in blood plasma. P2 enriches low abundant proteins in the soft-corona layer while effectively deriching abundant plasma proteins. This approach works in single-well format which benefits throughput and quantitative reproducibility. P2 provides both, exceptional depth, and a low false discovery rate at a cost per sample that is significantly lower compared to affinity-based high-plex proteomics systems. Additionally, P2 achieves higher data quality compared to affinity-based methods, which inevitably suffer from epitope cross-talk issues.
The P2 method achieves the highest ever reported plasma enrichment with a 10-fold factor of enrichment compared to untreated plasma on a Bruker timsTOF® HT platform with the 4D dia-PASEF method, and data processing with Spectronaut 19. This latest version of Spectronaut has now been extensively trained and optimized for timsTOF platform MS/MS data. Thanks to the use of short 17-minute LC-gradients on the Bruker timsTOF® HT platform, the P2 method opens new possibilities for mid-to-large-scale and population health discovery studies with depth at affordable economics.
The P2 Plasma Enrichment method will be available as a contract research service from Biognosys' facilities in Schlieren, Zurich in Switzerland and in Newton, Massachusetts in the United States, through the TrueDiscovery unbiased proteomics platform. For end-users of facilities equipped with timsTOF HT or other highest-performance mass spectrometry platforms, the method is now also available as a licensing option for in-house use.
Under a previously announced strategic partnership of Biognosys and Alamar Biosciences, Biognosys will now also offer the optional combination of P2-based mass spectrometry plasma proteomics with Alamar's targeted, mid-plex ultra-high sensitivity NULISA proteomics panels. This integrated, complementary approach enables the most quantitative and complete access to the plasma proteome by combining deep unbiased DIA-MS discovery proteomics with highly specific and ultra-sensitive mid- and high-plex Alamar NULISA assays for low-abundance proteins such as cytokines, chemokines and important disease protein biomarkers from plasma for inflammation of central nervous systems disease research.
About TrueDiscovery®
The Biognosys TrueDiscovery platform offers integrated proteomics solutions across the entire drug development pipeline.
TrueDiscovery is powered by Hyper Reaction Monitoring (HRM) mass spectrometry, an advanced Data Independent Acquisition (DIA)-based protein quantification technology co-invented and patented by Biognosys.
TrueDiscovery is the only platform that searches the complete proteome to quantify thousands of the most relevant proteins, including an unlimited number of proteoforms. The platform enables the deepest unbiased profiling of tissue and biofluids proteomes with unbeatable specificity on a large scale. The generated data are highly reproducible and easily transferrable to clinical assays. Studies can be performed in a GCP compliant environment. For more information, visit
About Biognosys
At Biognosys, we believe that deep proteome insights hold the key to breakthrough discoveries that transform science for better lives. With our versatile portfolio of next-generation proteomics solutions, including the TrueDiscovery®, TrueTarget®, and TrueSignature® research service platforms, our flagship software Spectronaut®, and the PQ500™ kit, we make the proteome actionable to empower research, drug development, and clinical decision-making. Our solutions provide a multi-dimensional view of protein expression, function, and structure in all biological species and sample types. Our unique, patented technologies utilize high-resolution mass spectrometry to quantify thousands of proteins with industry-leading precision, depth, and throughput. Through our strategic partnership with Bruker (Nasdaq: BRKR), we make proteomics globally accessible. For more information, visit
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
Media Contact:
Yves Serroen
Head of Marketing and Communications
Phone +41 (0) 44 244 50 07
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