CertiK Announces the Launch of CertiK Ventures to Shape the Future of Onchain Innovation
NEW YORK, May 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CertiK, the global leader in blockchain security solutions, is excited to announce the launch of CertiK Ventures, an initiative designed to support the new generation of onchain platforms.
CertiK Ventures arose in recognition of the need to foster the growth of security-first projects, to enable pioneering technologies, to promote key ecosystem partnerships, and to participate in forward-thinking VC rounds. The initiative leverages CertiK's extensive expertise in blockchain security to provide unparalleled support and resources to its portfolio companies.
CertiK Ventures has already made significant strides in building a diverse portfolio, which includes Sei, WEMIX, LINE, Dora Hacks, Meta Era, Playbux, Shima Capital, Pantera, Hashkey Capital, SevenX Ventures, Borderless Capital, and Ling Feng Capital.
Jason Jiang, Chief Business Officer of CertiK, expressed his vision for the new initiative: "The launch of CertiK Ventures is a pivotal part of our mission to secure the Web3 world. By combining our years of expertise in blockchain security with strategic investments, we aim to accelerate the growth of innovative projects that will shape the future of the industry."
CertiK Ventures is poised to become a key player in the blockchain investment landscape, supporting the development and deployment of secure, scalable, and transformative technologies.
About CertiK
CertiK is a pioneer in blockchain security, combining expert manual review with best-in-class AI technology to protect and monitor blockchain protocols and smart contracts. Founded in 2018 by professors from Yale University and Columbia University, CertiK’s mission is to secure the web3 world. CertiK applies cutting-edge innovations from academia to enterprise, enabling mission-critical applications to scale with safety and correctness.
One of the fastest-growing and most trusted companies in blockchain security, CertiK is a true market leader. To date, CertiK has worked with more than 4,500 enterprise clients, secured over $380 billion worth of digital assets, and has detected more than 60,000 vulnerabilities in blockchain code. Our clients include industry-leading projects such as Aptos, Ripple, Sandbox, Polygon, BNB Chain, and TON.
CertiK is backed by InsightPartners, Sequoia, Tiger Global, Coatue Management, Lightspeed, Advent International, SoftBank, Hillhouse Capital, Goldman Sachs, Coinbase Ventures, Binance, Shunwei Capital, IDG Capital, Wing, Legend Star, Danhua Capital, and other investors.
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