IXOPAY Appoints Brady Harris as CEO to Drive Global Payments Growth
Following the IXOPAY and TokenEx merger, new leadership strengthens the company’s market position and serves the evolving needs of customers
TULSA, Okla., June 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, IXOPAY, announced the appointment of industry veteran Brady Harris as its new CEO. His appointment aligns with the recent merger of IXOPAY and TokenEx, highlighting a significant shift in the payments industry towards a multi-processor payment model, which empowers merchants and fintech companies to improve and diversify their payment strategies. The company thanks departing CEO Marc Olesen for his direction and contributions.
Harris, rated a Top 3 nationwide CEO on Glassdoor, brings over 20 years of experience and executive leadership in FinTech, Payments, and SaaS. As CEO of Dwolla, he oversaw the rapid growth of annual payment volumes from $10 billion to $70 billion, while adding 1.5 million new users monthly. Prior to Dwolla, as the President of Payscape, he was instrumental in its merger with Payroc, creating a global full-service payment provider with over 1,000 employees across 13 offices worldwide; the combined entity operating in 46 countries, serving 150,000 businesses.
His expertise in mergers, acquisitions, and scaling companies to successful exits under private equity sponsors is key as IXOPAY positions itself to become the one-stop solution in the payment industry. The merger has created a platform capable of offering omnichannel tokenization, payment orchestration, and card lifecycle management. The merger addresses the need for redundancy, geographic expansion, and fee negotiation capabilities that single-processor systems lack.
"Payments technology is rapidly advancing, and IXOPAY is set to lead this evolution," Harris stated. "The integration of tokenization and orchestration allows us to offer a platform that not only supports multi-payment processing but also fosters the development of innovative services."
"Under Brady’s leadership, IXOPAY is poised to set new benchmarks in the payment sector," said Vik Verma, Chairman of the Board of Directors. "Our bold strategy emphasizes scalability, security, and groundbreaking advancements that will redefine what payments can achieve."
Harris and the IXOPAY team are attending Money 20/20 Europe in Amsterdam this week. They will showcase the expanded offerings following the merger, including advancements in payment orchestration, tokenization, risk management, and card lifecycle management. Join them at the RAI Amsterdam at Booth 8a202 to explore how these developments will shape the future of merchant payments.
For further information, please contact:
Nicholas Mueller
SVP, Marketing
IXOPAY, a TokenEx company, is a leading payment orchestration platform that provides a flexible and independent payment solution to manage all payment services in one place. Following its recent merger with TokenEX, IXOPAY is positioned to expand its services globally, offering enhanced capabilities in payment processing and advanced security measures.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/2750a812-2a7a-420b-82b4-614b2f1eeb5c
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