BioPharmaSpec Announces Major Investments in Mass Spectrometry and Related Instrumentation
The state-of-the-art instrumentation will support and accelerate BioPharmaSpec’s clients’ efforts in successful biologics product development
MALVERN, Pa. and ST. SAVIOUR, Jersey, June 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BioPharmaSpec (“BioPharmaSpec”), the leading global Contract Research Organization (CRO) for discovery and preclinical characterization of biopharmaceuticals, has made major new investments in instrumentation, including top-of-the-range Mass Spectrometers, to support its clients in their product development goals.
On June 1st, 2024, BioPharmaSpec announced that it had recently purchased a range of new Mass Spectrometry instrumentation, including: Waters Select Series CYCLIC Ion Mobility Separation (IMS) High Definition LC-MS/MS with ECD, SCIEX ZenoTOF 7600 LC-MS/MS with EAD, Waters Xevo TQ Absolute and Waters Xevo G3 LC-MS/MS Q-TOFs.
To further support Clients with the provision of their first-class characterization services, BioPharmaSpec has also expanded its overall analytical instrumentation portfolio with the Bio-Techne (Protein Simple) Maurice Flex icIEF, CE-SDS and cIEF instrument, two Shimadzu PPSQ-53A Gas Phase Sequencers and a Wyatt DAWN Ambient 18 angle Multi Angle Light Scattering with Integrated DLS and Optilab dRI detector.
The instruments currently being installed and qualified across BioPharmaSpec’s global laboratories further enhance BioPharmaSpec’s already impressive mass spectrometric, chromatographic and spectroscopic service provision.
About BioPharmaSpec
BioPharmaSpec is a CRO specializing in the structural characterization and physicochemical analysis of recombinant biopharmaceuticals, including biosimilars and biobetters, monoclonal antibodies, Antibody Drug Conjugates (ADCs), gene therapy products (i.e. AAV- based therapies), peptides, oligonucleotides and many more product types, with a focus on discovery, early and pre-clinical phases.
Lindsay McGowan, Director of Business Development, BioPharmaSpec
For more information, visit
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