WadzPay and Societe Miniere D'Investissement SA (SMI) Forge Strategic Partnership to Revolution
The Collaboration for Digital Asset Tokenization to Boost Economic Empowerment in the Republic of the Congo
JOHANNESBURG, Africa, June 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WadzPay Technologies Africa Pty Ltd, a leading global blockchain-based solutions provider for financial services, is excited to announce its strategic partnership with SMI, an investment and financing vehicle for mining related projects in the Republic of Congo. This collaboration aims to accelerate mining assets digitization, provide financial support to the MSME enterprises and foster economic growth in the region.
The partnership follows SMI's mission to leverage its mining assets as collateral, enabling access to international financial markets for essential funding. WadzPay's expertise in blockchain technology and digital asset management aligns seamlessly with SMI's objectives, facilitating the tokenization of a portion of SMI's mining assets.
"We are thrilled to embark on this transformative journey with SMI. By harnessing the power of blockchain technology, we aim to unlock new avenues of financing for the mining sector, driving sustainable economic growth and prosperity in the Republic of Congo." - Mr. Anish Jain, Founder & Group CEO of WadzPay
WadzPay will provide below services under this partnership:
- Provide Secure Efficient Technology Platform for Tokenization: This includes converting economic value and ownership rights derived from SMI’s assets into digital tokens on blockchain.
- Management Services: In addition to providing its technology platform, WadzPay will offer management services including tokenomics, token pricing, token listing, marketing, and advisory services. These services are tailored to support SMI in achieving its fundraising objectives and fostering investor confidence.
- Exchange Services: Wadzpay will manage exchange services for primary and secondary markets.
M. Brice Gatse, Chief Executive Officer at SMI, stated: "For us, as an SME, the partnership with WadzPay represents the hope of an entire continent. Tokenization allows African states, most of which are engaged in programmes with the IMF and subjected to debt restrictions, to overcome barriers to investment. Tokenization offers these states the opportunity to use their natural resources as collateral to raise funds and finance extractive industries, which are sources of wealth creation and poverty alleviation. Through this innovative financial engineering, WadzPay is opening a new era for the financing of developing economies. It is also a way to democratise investment, as a wider range of people can now invest in mining, energy, and infrastructure projects that were previously reserved for large financial groups. This represents an opportunity that aligns with a multipolar, decentralised world enabled by Blockchain technology. We wish our collaboration a great success."
To which Olivier Dipenda, Senior Vice President of Africa Market Development at WadzPay Technologies Africa Pty Ltd, expressed enthusiasm about the partnership, stating, "We are delighted to extend our solution proposal in alignment with SMI's vision for economic empowerment through asset tokenization. This partnership signifies a significant step towards unlocking access to finance and fostering sustainable economic growth in the Republic of Congo."
About SMI:
Societe Miniere D'Investissement SA (SMI) is a Republic of Congo registered company jointly owned by FIGA and Potash resources S.A. It functions as an investment vehicle for the financing of mining related project as well as the fund-raising vehicle for FIGA, an organisation created by the government of the Republic of Congo with the sole mandate of stimulating entrepreneurship by providing collaterals to SMEs.
WadzPay was founded in 2018 in Singapore with a commitment to drive financial inclusion and revolutionise the virtual asset financial services landscape. It is a leading global blockchain-based technology provider for virtual assets. The company's innovative platform available as a SaaS offering provides secure, efficient, and transparent technology solutions, catering to businesses (B2B) and consumers (B2B2C). WadzPay works with large international companies, banks, and fintechs to enable virtual asset-based transaction processing, custody, and settlement. It operates across geographies spanning Asia Pacific, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, and the Americas.
For more information, visit www.wadzpay.com
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