Dr. María José Torres, Head of the Allergology Department of the HRU of Malaga, new President of the
EAACI focuses on planetary health as a key feature of the research agenda
VALENCIA, Spain, June 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Closing Ceremony of the EAACI Congress 2024, a meeting forum for experts in Allergy and Immunology from countries all over the world, has taken place. At the closing of the Congress, Dr. María José Torres, Professor of Medicine and Head of the Allergology Service of the Regional University Hospital of Malaga, takes the lead as the new President of EAACI; she is the first Spanish professional to hold this position.
In her speech at today's plenary session entitled “Drug allergy: today and tomorrow,” Dr. Torres stressed that “drug allergy is a huge burden on healthcare systems and represents, in some cases, a threat to the patient's life.”
In recent years, there has been a significant increase in interest in the design of predictive models to stratify patients' risk of being allergic. “It is essential to continue researching and working towards the goal of efficient precision medicine,” says Dr. Torres.
Dr. Ioana Agache, who chairs EAACI's Research and Outreach Committee (ROC), details that “with allergic diseases and asthma as prototypical environmentally driven diseases, Planetary Health is another key feature of EAACI's research agenda.”
The ROC's key objectives include being “the exchange platform for scientists across the EAACI Research Network, a space where to formulate recommendations and quality criteria, forge varied educational programs and ensure professional development opportunities through its collaboration with EAACI junior members and all other stakeholders,” she notes.
The ERN (EAACI Research Network) seeks to identify and coordinate allergy and asthma research in Europe. “It currently includes almost 100 institutions from Europe and around the world. It should guide the future of allergy and asthma research in Europe and foster synergies and cooperation, reduce duplication of efforts and identify gaps and priorities that need the attention of funding organizations,” concludes Ioana Agache.
Press Contact EAACI
+41 44 205 55 33
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