Homes of Hope: Deriv Paraguay's journey to empower underserved communities
Deriv lends a helping hand building houses for underserved communities in Paraguay
AREGUA, Paraguay, June 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Deriv is a leading online trading platform with a 25-year legacy of trust, innovation and service. This legacy extends to a commitment towards social responsibility, with active support for initiatives focused on environmental conservation and uplifting underprivileged communities. To mark Deriv’s 25th anniversary, the company plans to launch a series of CSR initiatives aimed at driving meaningful social betterment.
Deriv partnered with TECHO, a youth organisation in Paraguay, to provide housing solutions to underserved communities in the San Francisco Settlement, just outside of Asunción.
For over six months, Deriv has dedicated its efforts to the construction of 10 new houses for families in dire need. The initial planning phase, now complete, saw Deriv lead on the timeline for construction of the houses as well as identifying communities, families most in need and allocation of resources. The comprehensive plan details logistics, including material procurement, transportation, and implementing stringent safety protocols for seamless project execution.
In addition to housing construction, Deriv is committed to improving the community's overall quality of life and future prosperity. Initiatives include providing access to technology like laptops, hosting community forums, and offering mentorship and training programs.
Sebastian Perez, the head of Deriv Paraguay’s office, shared insights into the project's early stages, “Deriv employees were paired with TECHO employees to interview the families; this experience hit home for many as they were met with a new sense of admiration for what the families were going through. With this project, we hope to improve the quality of life of the communities in need.”
Ian Insaurralde, a TECHO spokesperson, reflected on the collaboration’s goals, stating, “Our main purpose is to overcome and bring opportunities to families living in poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean. By working with Deriv, we have been able to help assess the community’s needs, develop an action plan, and provide them with the tools to improve their quality of life and transform their communities.”
The initiative officially commenced in April, with the Deriv team in Paraguay working alongside TECHO to conduct detailed assessments of approximately 400 households within the neighbourhood. This evaluation focused on economic backgrounds, household sizes, and existing housing conditions, identifying those in urgent need of assistance and formulating a targeted support strategy.
For additional information about this project and other corporate social responsibility initiatives, please visit Deriv Life and the company website.
About Deriv
For 25 years, Deriv has been committed to making online trading accessible to anyone, anywhere. Trusted by over 2.5 million traders worldwide, the company offers an expansive range of trade types and boasts over 200 assets across popular markets on its award-winning, intuitive trading platforms. With a workforce of more than 1,300 people globally, Deriv has cultivated an environment that celebrates achievements, encourages professional growth, and fosters talent development, which is reflected in its Platinum accreditation by Investors in People.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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