Cyble Welcomes Cybersecurity Expert Steve Ingram to Advisory Board
Cyble, the leading provider of AI-driven cybersecurity solutions, has appointed Steve Ingram to its advisory board. Ingram will play an important role in advancing Cyble’s vision and strengthening its market position.
Ingram's distinguished career spans more than three decades and includes appointments at multiple prestigious global consulting firms. He most recently served as the Financial Services Cyber Leader for the Americas at EY (Ernst & Young), where he was instrumental in developing and implementing advanced cybersecurity strategies for major financial institutions. He also was the Asia-Pacific Cyber Leader at PwC, where he served as a partner for 15 years. There he led significant cybersecurity initiatives and guided clients through the complexities of cyber risk management in one of the world’s most dynamic regions, where he was a member of the ASEANZ Markets Council.
“Cyble is well-positioned to strengthen organizations’ cyber posture, and I look forward to supporting the company as it expands,” Ingram said. “The best way to prevent large-scale cyberattacks is to detect and mitigate threats before they happen, and AI is fast becoming a crucial factor in that process. My visibility into cybersecurity challenges and investments in solutions will help Cyble and its customers stay one step ahead of attackers.”
Cyble recently launched AmIBreached 3.0, its most extensive dark web monitoring engine, and Cyble Vision X, the successor to its award-winning Cyble Vision 2.0 threat intelligence platform, to further enable businesses to anticipate and respond to the changing threat environment.
“Steve’s rich experience and deep understanding of the cybersecurity landscape will provide us with valuable insights as we accelerate Cyble’s product innovation and expansion,” said Beenu Arora, CEO of Cyble. “He will support our commitment to delivering advanced, AI-based cybersecurity solutions to organizations around the world.”
To learn how Cyble can improve your security posture, visit
About Cyble
Cyble, a trailblazer in Cyber Threat Intelligence, is committed to democratizing Dark Web Threat Intelligence through advanced AI and Machine Learning solutions. Recognized as one of the most sought-after workplaces, Cyble’s culture fosters innovation, collaboration, and professional growth.
With a proven track record in delivering cutting-edge research and proactive monitoring, Cyble stands at the forefront of the cybersecurity landscape. Headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, with a global presence spanning Australia, Malaysia, Singapore, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, and India, Cyble is the trusted authority empowering organizations to proactively combat evolving cyber threats.
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