e& leads as the Top Telecoms Employer Brand in Employer Brand Index 2024
- e& UAE is the Top Telecoms Employer Brand in Brand Finance rankings
- e& ranked 16th in the Top 20 employer brands across all categories in 16 countries
- Achievement reflects the broader reputation of UAE as a global talent hub
LONDON, June 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- e&, the global technology group, attained the highest position in Brand Finance’s inaugural Employer Brand Report 2024 with its UAE entity ranking as the Top Global Telecoms Employer.
The group also secured the 16th spot among the Top 20 Employer Brands across measured employer brands across financial services, telco, media, and tech (TMT), oil, gas, and energy, professional services, retail, automotive, and fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) in Africa, Asia, Europe, and the United States.
Ali Al Mansoori, Group Chief People Officer, e&, said: “This recognition as an employer of choice reflects the incredible dedication and passion of our people, who are our greatest assets. It also reaffirms our commitment to cultivating a unified company culture where every employee is empowered to think differently, experiment fearlessly, and innovate continuously. In today’s rapidly evolving landscape, having a talented workforce is more critical than ever.”
David Haigh, CEO of Brand Finance, said: “Middle Eastern telecom brands are increasingly overtaking their European and American counterparts as desirable places to work. This reflects the career opportunities and exciting technological developments created by consistent, high-quality investment in the Middle East.”
Leading the way in employer branding and talent development in UAE, the group scored highly across several considerations, including as a 'prestigious brand,’ an ‘inspiring vision,' ‘enjoyable and rewarding work,' and a ‘well-managed and governed company.’ e&’s achievement reflects the broader reputation of the UAE as a global talent hub and the preferred destination for people seeking to shape a prosperous future.
“At e&, we are committed to equipping our team with the skills necessary to navigate and thrive in the digital age. Our vision is not just to keep pace with change, but to lead it. We are building a resilient, forward-thinking workforce capable of driving our company and our community towards greater heights. Our strategy includes comprehensive training programs, partnerships with educational institutions, and an environment that rewards creativity and bold thinking. We are dedicated to creating opportunities for professional growth and supporting our team as they develop the technological skills and mindset essential for the future,” added Al Mansoori.
The inaugural “Employer Brand Index” report showcases the world’s top brands with global and regional league tables. The research-driven study is the first of its kind, measuring internal and external perceptions of employer brands from 16 countries. The Index is derived from responses from an anonymous survey of the public across various industries conducted via independent online panels.
The Brand Finance 2024 Employer Brand Index follows the release in January of the global brand rankings in which e& UAE was rated the strongest telecom brand globally (AAA rating) and the strongest brand in the Middle East and Africa (MEA) across all categories.
Brand Finance is the world’s leading brand valuation consultancy. For more than 25 years, it has been bridging the gap between marketing and finance by evaluating the strength of brands and quantifying their financial value to help organisations of all kinds make strategic decisions. Every year, Brand Finance conducts more than 5,000 brand valuations, supported by original market research, and publishes over 100 reports that rank brands across all sectors and countries.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/5ab3f4e1-ad68-4a1f-b513-0f6dd6ce45d1
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