Sea Index CO2 certification for superyachts earns Capenergies Label
TURIN, Italy, June 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - The Superyacht Eco Association's pioneering Sea Index CO2 tool and independently verified certification for superyachts over 25 meters has been awarded the esteemed Capenergies label, underscoring its innovative contribution to reducing the environmental impact and carbon footprint of superyachts.
Developed under the aegis of the Yacht Club de Monaco's ‘Monaco, Capital of Advanced Yachting' initiative, the Sea Index represents a groundbreaking advancement in maritime sustainability. It is the first tool of its kind to measure the energy intensity and compare the CO2 emissions of superyachts over 25 meters, utilizing manufacturer-provided data and custom installed equipment onboard. This initiative reflects Monaco's commitment to leading the yachting sector towards a more sustainable future.
The Capenergies cluster facilitates the emergence of innovative projects and supports their development to accelerate the Energy Transition. The cluster brings together a dynamic network of nearly 520 members - major industrial groups, companies, including a majority of SMEs and start-ups, research and training centres, local authorities and financiers - specialising in energy and related uses. It has links with more than 300 partners in France and Europe.
The Capenergies label, awarded by an independent 12-member committee, reflects the innovative approach of the Sea Index, the progress made by the Superyacht Eco Association since the rating was launched in 2020, and its potential for significant economic impact and a reduced environmental footprint. In receiving the Capenergies label, the Sea Index CO2 tool is recognized not only for its technological innovation but also for its potential to reshape the sector's approach to environmental stewardship.
“We are honored to receive the Capenergies label, which validates our efforts to lead yachting towards a more sustainable future,” said Bernard d'Alessandri, Vice President for the Superyacht Eco Association and General Secretary of the Yacht Club de Monaco. “This recognition inspires us to continue developing neutral tools that help yachting stakeholders make informed decisions when buying, selling and chartering yachts."
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse -
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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