Infocom Receives Prestigious Honor at 2024 Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards
MANILA, Philippines, June 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Infocom, a Customer Experience (CX) management leader in the Philippines, was recognized in the Customer Service Management Planning & Practice category at the recent 11th Annual Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards in Manila.
The Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards are the only business awards program to recognize innovation in the workplace in all 29 markets of the Asia-Pacific region. The Stevie Awards are widely considered to be the world's premier business awards. This year, more than 1,000 nominations from organizations across the Asia-Pacific region were considered in categories.
Rommel Regino, Infocom's Chief Operations and Sales Officer, expressed pride in the award, which reflects the company's 30-year commitment to delivering exceptional service to telecom and banking clients. “The award embodies the passion and commitment of our 4,000 employees, who always make our customers feel at home with every engagement,” Regino added.
The judges noted: “By employing a unique strategy combining innovation, people, and analytics, Infocom was able to drive client success. Their use of AI and analytics helped them consistently rank as a top vendor.”
“The 11th edition of the Asia-Pacific Stevie Awards attracted many remarkable nominations,” said Stevie Awards president Maggie Miller. “The organizations that won this year have demonstrated that they are committed to being innovative, and we applaud them for their perseverance and creativity.”
About Infocom
Infocom, an affiliate of Inspiro, is a Philippine-based CX management specialist with over two decades of experience. Our dedicated team of 4,800 CX experts is strategically located across four delivery centers in Makati, Quezon City, and Dumaguete. Infocom and Inspiro are owned by Altius Link, Inc., a synergistic partnership between KDDI Corporation and Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
Raymond Boholano
Vice President, Marketing and Corporate Communications
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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