CallTower Launches Teams Mobile Dialer
Cutting-Edge Innovation powered by CallTower to Enhance Business Mobile Communications
SALT LAKE CITY, UT, ROCHESTER, NY, BOSTON, MA, LONDON, June 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - CallTower, a leader in cloud-based communication and collaboration solutions including Microsoft Teams, Webex by Cisco, and Zoom, unveils a groundbreaking advancement in mobile productivity with the launch of its Teams Mobile Dialer solution. This innovative offering is set to redefine the landscape of business mobile communications by seamlessly integrating Microsoft Teams functionalities into mobile devices, empowering organizations to enhance mobility, connectivity, and productivity like never before
The Teams Mobile Dialer solution from CallTower represents the pinnacle of fixed mobile convergence, designed to cater to the evolving needs of modern enterprises across industries. By leveraging cutting-edge technology, this solution transforms mobile phones into versatile endpoints, equipping users with the flexibility to make and receive calls directly from their native dialer using existing Teams numbers creating as Unified Experience (UX) for customers. This transformative approach eliminates the barriers between traditional desk phones, conference phones, and mobile devices, ensuring a seamless communication experience for teams on the go.
"With the launch of our Teams Mobile Dialer solution, we are ushering in a new era of mobile communication efficiency for businesses worldwide," stated Doug Larsen, Senior VP of Software and Product at CallTower. "We understand the importance of empowering organizations with the tools they need to stay connected, collaborate effectively, and drive productivity from anywhere. This solution not only simplifies business communications but also enhances the overall user experience, enabling teams to work smarter and more efficiently."
Key Features of the Teams Mobile Dialer Solution:
- Native Teams Mobility: Seamlessly integrate Microsoft Teams functionalities into mobile devices.
- Quick and Easy Setup: Simple 5-step process to get up and running swiftly.
- Enhanced Productivity: Utilize existing Teams numbers on any BYOD mobile phone.
- Seamless Communication: Make and receive Teams business calls using the native dialer.
- Multi-Device Support: Receive calls on multiple devices, including mobile phones, desktops, and Teams apps.
The introduction of the) Teams Mobile Dialer solution underscores CallTower's commitment to innovation, customer-centricity, and driving digital transformation for businesses of all sizes worldwide. This solution caters to the diverse communication needs of SMBs to global enterprises, enabling them to embrace hybrid work models, empower frontline workforce, and streamline mobile communications with unparalleled ease and efficiency.
Transforming how we connect across the globe! Dive into the future of global communication with CallTower, where the forefront of innovation meets the vast expanse of connectivity. CallTower is revolutionizing communications through cutting-edge technology. CallTower delivers seamless MS Teams, Zoom, and Webex voice solutions elevated by the integration of AI technology, comprehensive contact center solutions and one-click failover, marking a significant milestone in the communication landscape.
Since its establishment in 2002, CallTower has evolved into a global cloud-based, enterprise-class cloud communications (unified communications, contact center and collaboration) solutions provider, catering to the needs of expanding businesses globally. CallTower offers and supports cutting-edge solutions such as Operator Connect for Microsoft® Teams, MS Teams Direct Routing, GCC High Teams Direct Routing, Microsoft® 365, Cisco® Webex Calling / UCM, Cisco® CCP, Zoom Phone, Zoom (BYOB), and a range of contact center options, including Five9 for business customers.
For more information about CallTower and its award-winning services, please contact
Contact: Kade Herbert CallTower, Inc. 8003475444
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