YesWeHack Raises 26 Million Euros to Accelerate Its Growth and International Expansion
YesWeHack, the global Bug Bounty and vulnerability management platform, announces a €26 million Series C funding round.
In a world where cyber risks are more strategic and complex than ever, YesWeHack will use this funding to invest in Artificial Intelligence, launch new innovative solutions and expand its international growth.
The round is led by Wendel, alongside new investors such as Adelie and Seventure Partners, as well as reinvestment from Bpifrance, Open CNP* and Eiffel Investment Group. YesWeHack is also delighted to welcome Renaud Deraison, Co-Founder of Tenable and Senior Advisor to Wendel Growth, to its Board of Directors.
YesWeHack is the leading security testing solution for organisations of all sizes. Its Bug Bounty platform mobilises a community of tens of thousands ethical hackers to test the security of its customers in an agile and cost-effective way, thus reducing their attack surface.
With more than 500 customers across 40 countries, YesWeHack covers all business sectors, including:
- 70% of “CAC 40” ** companies
- Global organisations such as Louis Vuitton, Decathlon and Tencent
- Telecoms companies such as Orange, Ooredoo and Telenor
- Unicorns such as Contentsquare, Doctolib and Blablacar
- Public institutions in countries such as France, Spain, Canada and Singapore
Since its last funding round in 2021, YesWeHack has increased by six times its annual recurring revenue and tripled the number of ethical hackers registered on its platform. The company has also developed integrated pentest and attack surface management solutions, offering customers a unified approach to monitoring their online risks and vulnerabilities.
Guillaume Vassault-Houlière, CEO and Co-Founder of YesWeHack, commented: “This funding round is a vote of confidence in our commitment to excellence and our ambitious vision. Thanks to this investment, YesWeHack will deliver even higher levels of customer satisfaction and continue developing innovative solutions in one of the most dynamic segments of cybersecurity. We would like to thank our investors, both longstanding and new, and are honoured by their trust.”
Antoine Izsak, Head of Growth Equity at Wendel, said: “Bug bounty is now recognised as a must by some of the companies most exposed to the cyber threat. We are delighted to be working with the European leader YesWeHack, which stands out for its quality of service, compliance with regulations and the relevance of its technological roadmap for customers who are increasingly overwhelmed by the growing volume of vulnerabilities."
Renaud Deraison, Co-Founder of Tenable, Senior Advisor to Wendel Growth and new member of the Board of Directors added: "YesWeHack's community of experts is one of the most qualified in the world to continuously test the security of its customers' digital infrastructure. I'm honoured to join YesWeHack's Board of Directors and look forward to contributing to the company's mission alongside Guillaume and his team."
*The Corporate Venture Capital fund of CNP Assurances.
**The CAC 40 is Paris’ main stock market index.
About YesWeHack
YesWeHack is a leading Bug Bounty and Vulnerability Management Platform. Founded by ethical hackers in 2015, YesWeHack connects organisations worldwide to tens of thousands of ethical hackers, who uncover vulnerabilities in websites, mobile apps, connected devices and digital infrastructure.
Our Bug Bounty Programs benefit from in-house triage, personalised support, a customisable model and results-based pricing. Clients include Tencent, Swiss Post, Telenor, Ooredoo, Orange, the French Ministry of Armed Forces and several other governments worldwide.
The YesWeHack platform offers a range of integrated, API-based solutions: Bug Bounty (crowdsourcing vulnerability discovery), Vulnerability Disclosure Policy (creating and managing a secure channel for external vulnerability reporting), Pentest Management (managing pentest reports from all sources) and Attack Surface Management (continuously mapping online exposure and detecting attack vectors).
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