China's famous outstanding art model —— Dai Jianhua
The art of painting and calligraphy is not only the carrier of civilization and culture, but also the continuous promotion of the continuation of history and culture and the inheritance of humanistic feelings. It has influenced many art people! Art and cultural atmosphere is strong, and cultural and artistic development space is huge. In response to the strategic idea of "enhancing cultural and artistic exchanges, vigorously developing cultural and artistic industry, and creating a modern cultural industry system with characteristics and core competitiveness", Dai Jianhua is a representative of Chinese style.
Dai Jianhua; born in Changsha, Hunan province, born in 1940. After retirement, he lived in the countryside. At the age of 63, he taught himself painting. After twenty spring and autumn, he became a late bloomer. He was known as the "painting wizard" and "the second person of white stone".
honorary title;
A Master of Chinese national ritual art; Honorary Academician of the Russian Academy of Arts and Sciences;
Foreign member of the Royal Spanish Association of Artists;
Visiting Professor of CCTV Famous Artists and CCTV Inheritance of Art;
Academician of the Institute of World Intangible Cultural Heritage;
Professor-level art consultant of Aesthetic Education;
The first batch of special experts of the Painting and Art Research Center of China Federation of Literary and Art;
Art researcher of China Oriental Art Research Association.
Vice Chairman of CCTV CNR Tourism International Cooperation and Development Center;
Vice President of the Institute of World Intangible Cultural Heritage.
Media coverage and work publishing;
CCTV culture era "famous artist Dai Jianhua art life feature film" and "Chinese style an art inheritance character Dai Jianhua feature film" many domestic media have been reported;
CCTV welcomed the 20th Congress of the Communist Party of China, a large special issue "Art circle, a New Era of people's Artists collection" published, Dai Jianhua introduction and paintings into them;
CCTV middle school students channel "painting and calligraphy master Dai Jianhua" feature film, CCTV prime time repeated broadcast;
CCTV Media and the Organizing committee of China 100 media jointly hosted "Tell a Good China Story" specially launched "special report of Creative Communication Art Ambassador Dai Jianhua" on "China News Network" and other hundreds of media websites;
CCTV 2023 "Cultural Power, Art to the World" boutique Taiwan calendar release, Shen Peng, Fan Dian, Dai Jianhua and other 12 artists on the compilation;
CCTV cultural era "Intangible Cultural Heritage Calligraphy and Painting Inheritor Dai Jianhua Excellent Works Exhibition" was exhibited on many media websites (at the same time, Jiang Huiying, Fan Zeng, Dai Jianhua and other five people were exhibited);
CCTV CCTV media in the first year to see China's most brilliant achievements artist Dai Jianhua " central media and hundreds of domestic media have reported;
CCTV "Feeling the charm of art, appreciate the collection of painting, calligraphy and phoenix, master biography one teacher Dai Jianhua excellent works exhibition" People's Daily overseas website and many other media reports: "Dai Jianhua" (limited edition collection of contemporary world's top artists) was edited and published by the Russian Academy of Arts;
The album Chinese Painting and Calligraphy was edited and published by the Chinese Art Literature Organizing Committee. The seven artists are Dai Jianhua, Shen Peng, Fan Di'an, Sun Xiaoyun, Lu Yushun, Zhang Hai and He Jiaying;
"Three masters of China, Dai Jianhua, Cui Ruzhuo, He Jiaying" collection, edited and published by China Science Academic Press;
"Charming China, shining the world's Chinese cultural treasures" CCTV2024 years masterpieces published (Shen Peng, Dai Jianhua, He Jiaying, etc., in the list; "Avenue Together" (a crystal edition of Chinese art masters Fan Dian, He Jiaying, Su Shishu, Sun Xiaoyun and Dai Jianhua); The Master of the Great Country Arts (a collection of works by Dai Jianhua and Sun Xiaoyun) is published by China Art Literature Publishing House;
Inheritance of Classics- -A Collection of Works by Dai Jianhua, a 2024 artist, published by China Federation of Literary and Art Publishing House "Inheritance and Innovation of Dai Jianhua, representative of Calligraphy and Painting Art", a special issue of "Calligraphy and Painting Talent Newspaper" in 2024, is published by China Federation of Literary and Art Press.
Interpretation of works;
With unique ingenuity and do not flow in the vulgar, both pay attention to inheritance and bold innovation. The pen is wild and delicate, the color is gorgeous and do not lose steady, the color block impact is violent and do not lose coordination. The works are accurate in shape, the layout is reasonable, the signed poem artistic conception is profound, the poetry and painting are integrated, fascinating, smooth god, style, unrestrained. Feeling landscape, happy temperament, formed Dai Jianhua personal unique painting style. His paintings were included in the Chinese national "Art Master Archives".
Art circles comment;
"Mr.Dai Jianhua has made great efforts to create fine works that resonate with countless people. His artistic ability is different from the public. His works are obviously unique, unique and unreplicable, and he is a brilliant master of art.
—— Excerpt from "CCTV Literature and Art Editorial Department" Focus on celebrity vision, delivering the Style of the two Sessions "invited the contemporary artist Dai Jianhua as the publicity ambassador of the 2024 National NPC and CPPCC".
"Mr.Dai Jianhua is a grassroots painter from the people, and also an artist who measures the achievements of The Times. Every little bit of his pen carries his lifelong work. He has a great ambition and shows the spirit of a master. His paintings are fine masterpieces under a bright halo. He is a star of the Chinese art world and open school, unique strength strong stand out. His appearance is the glory and pride of the Chinese painting and calligraphy circle ".
—— Excerpt from "CCTV CCTV media launched" Republic of think tank Expert model " invited Chinese contemporary painting and calligraphy master Mr.Dai Jianhua.”。
"Mr.Dai Jianhua, his works are rooted in the excellent traditional Chinese culture, highlighting the strong charm of Chinese culture, and delivering the positive Chinese spirit, Chinese style and Chinese style in the new era. His works in the details of the grasp, take very in place, very rigorous, not only rooted in the tradition, but also to achieve the ancient new, full of personality. He is a brilliant and genius."
—— Excerpt from △ "Official report of Dai Jianhua, a contemporary international painting and calligraphy media"
Mr.Dai Jianhua; his "Hunan Zhangjiajie series", he realizes creative transformation and innovative development on the basis of tradition, and gives new realm and new definition of Chinese excellent traditional culture. His painting and calligraphy works adhere to the principle of "serving the past for the present, bringing forth the new and the old, serving the contemporary and facing the future", activate the vitality of Chinese culture, contain the spiritual power that touches people's hearts, reflect reality, express life, close to the people and have strong artistic quality. He is a high mountain in the Chinese art world. It is also the pride of Hunan province's art circle!
One from "CCTV Media" Sino-Russian Culture Recommendation Officer " official key recommended artist Mr.Dai Jianhua.”。
Dai Jianhua contact telephone number 18975896430 (emblem letter with the same number).
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