The Beer America Has Been Waiting for is Here, as Hulk Hogan Launches Real American Beer, Begins Hig
Hulk Hogan's Summer of Real American Beer Kicks Off June 13 with the Florida launch at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casinos and honoring Flag Day at MacDill Air Force Base, followed by expansion into Minnesota, Missouri, and Colorado throughout June, with another 13 states to follow during July and August
TAMPA, Fla., June 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Real American Beer, co-founded by WWE Hall of Fame wrestler and global icon Terry Bollea, aka Hulk Hogan, has set its ambitions on reinvigorating the beer industry with its launch of a premium American-made easy-drinking light lager. Real American Beer has secured distribution across 17 states this summer and will be launching with retail partners, including ABC Fine Wine & Spirits, Albertsons, Safeway, Sam's Club, Total Wine & More, Walmart, and many more.
“Real American Beer is bringing America together, one beer at a time,” said Hulk Hogan. “We've formed an all-star team to make it happen, and I'm excited to introduce Real American Beer to fans and beer lovers everywhere.”
Real American Beer is a premium American-style light lager meticulously brewed with 100% North American ingredients. At 4.2% ABV, it offers an easy-drinking experience, light in body, and a crisp, clean finish. The malt provides a rich golden hue, while the hops ensure a well-balanced taste.
In addition to retail stores in the U.S., Real American Beer will be available in bars and restaurants in the launch markets, including Hard Rock Hotels and Casinos, select Hooters of America locations nationwide, and on U.S. Military Bases.
An extensive lineup of Real American Beer merchandise and apparel is also now available for purchase globally from its online store.
Real American Beer: Launch and Rollout
With a premium product, a universal brand with an iconic co-founder, and an ambitious growth strategy, Real American Beer arrives in the US market with impressive momentum and credentials. The official launch begins on June 13 with Hulk Hogan and the team at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino in Hollywood, Florida, and on June 14 at MacDill Air Force Base and Hard Rock's Tampa Bay location.
“We're thrilled to team up with Hulk Hogan for the launch of Real American Beer,” said Jim Allen, Chairman of Hard Rock International. “Given our past successes together, I'm confident Real American Beer will be a sensation for our guests, and we look forward to serving it at select Hard Rock venues across the country.”
Hulk Hogan and The Real American team will bring Real American Beer to Minnesota on June 17, Missouri on June 20, and Colorado on June 24, with local launch events planned in each state.
“Teaming up with Hulk Hogan, an iconic figure who, like Hooters, has maintained popularity since the 1980s, to bring Real American Beer to our restaurants is a perfect match for our brand and our customers,” said Bruce Skala, Chief Marketing Officer of HOA Brands, parent company of the Hooters restaurant chain. “We pride ourselves on offering an enjoyable and memorable experience, and this partnership with Hulk Hogan's Real American Beer is a fantastic addition. We're thrilled to serve a beer that celebrates the American spirit and look forward to sharing it with our guests nationwide.”
The Real American Beer Team
The co-founder of Real American Beer, Hulk Hogan has cemented his status as a legendary icon. With a career spanning more than four decades, he successfully transitioned “Hulkamania” and his brand into numerous successful business ventures, resonating with a broad worldwide audience.
Alongside Hulk Hogan, Real American Beer is led by proven leaders from the beverage and CPG sectors. Terri Francis joins as CEO following her tenure as a top-level executive at The Not Company, a pioneering CPG and AI food technology company. Before NotCo, Terri was a Vice President of the investment and innovation group within Anheuser-Busch InBev (AB InBev), the world's largest brewer.
For more information about Real American Beer, merchandise, and launch events, please visit and follow on socials @therealamericanbeer.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
Media Contact:
Broadsheet Communications for The Real American
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