Alta Semper acquires Allmed Group to deliver advanced blood purification and dialysis solutions worl
Alta Semper acquires Allmed Group to deliver advanced blood purification and dialysis solutions worldwide
London, UK, 13th of June 2024; Allmed Group ("Allmed" or "the Company"), a producer of end-to-end blood purification and haemodialysis solutions, announced today that Alta Semper Capital (“Alta Semper”), a London-based private equity firm specialising in impact investments primarily in the healthcare sector across growth markets, has entered into definitive agreements to acquire the Company, in a transaction that will complete in June 2024. This acquisition gives Alta Semper a controlling stake in Allmed, enabling the companies to leverage their combined expertise to improve healthcare access for patients with chronic kidney disease and other conditions requiring extracorporeal blood treatment.
Backed by a network of global investors, including the IFC (the investment arm of the World Bank) and several prominent impact-focused family offices, Alta Semper plans to strengthen Allmed's technology base in Germany and deepen the Company's market presence across Africa and Latin America. Key initiatives will include expanding production capacity and product range, entering new markets, and developing customised technical solutions to provide affordable healthcare to patients around the world, with a particular focus on the global south where there is often an acute lack of access to treatments for many chronic diseases.
Based in the UK, Allmed is a global medical device company that designs, develops, and manufactures innovative product solutions that it supplies to leading hospitals worldwide, as well as to emerging and frontier markets. It has also been involved in the development of several breakthrough technologies, and has been awarded multiple patents covering product design as well as production process domains over the last 10 years.
Allmed's management team commented: “This acquisition marks an exciting new chapter for Allmed. With the support of Alta Semper, we are now positioned to expand our innovative blood purification and dialysis solutions to patients worldwide, particularly in growth markets with a focus on Africa and Latin America where the need is greatest. Our established expertise and commitment to cutting-edge innovation will be further enhanced by Alta Semper's impact-driven approach. This acquisition allows us to build on our existing capabilities and extend our reach to more patients than ever before. Together, we are uniquely positioned to deliver high-quality, affordable healthcare solutions that make a tangible difference in the real world.”
Afsane Jetha, CEO of Alta Semper, said, “Partnering with Allmed allows us to continue to develop the Company's market-leading footprint and support its exceptional team to realise the next important stage of growth for the business. What Allmed has achieved in just 10 years is unique; it has established a solid platform for capturing global growth, innovation, and on-the-ground impact. We look forward to backing the Company's best-in-class management to execute on our shared ambition to expand Allmed's reach and capabilities.”
About Allmed Group
Allmed Group is a global producer of blood purification product solutions. It is headquartered in London and has established operations across Europe, Latin America and Africa. The Group boasts a broad range of blood purification products which are used in more than 40 countries across the globe. Find out more about us online at
About Alta Semper Capital
Alta Semper's mission is to democratise access to generational health and well-being across growth markets. Alta Semper deploys flexible and strategic capital into market leading businesses across growth markets, with a specific focus on Africa. Founded in 2015, Alta Semper's seasoned team shares more than 150 years of combined expertise in investing in and operating successful businesses in the healthcare and consumer health and health-tech sectors. Find out more about us online at
For further information, please contact:
Allmed Group
Tel: + 44 (0)20-3585-2551
Alta Semper Capital
Tel: +44 (0)20-7100-0671
ICR Consilium
Davide Salvi / Isabelle Abdou / Lisa Lam
Tel: +44(0)20-3709-5700
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