SmarTone Selects Covalensedigital for BSS Transformation with Csmart and Oracle Cloud Native Solutio
HONG KONG and BENGALURU, India, June 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - SmarTone Telecommunications Holdings Limited (“SmarTone”) has selected leading technology solution provider Covalense Digital Solutions to deliver the Oracle Cloud Scale Charging and Billing solution which enables it to transform and adopt cloud native charging and billing system at scale to accelerate the delivery of new services.
Stephen Chau, SmarTone's CTO, said, “SmarTone is constantly innovating to deliver superior service and experiences to our customers. The Oracle solution, driven by Covalensedigital, enables us to improve agility by simplifying operations across consumer and enterprise (B2B) lines of business, accelerating time to market for new offers.”
SmarTone is a leading telecommunications service provider with operating subsidiaries in Hong Kong and Macau, offering voice, multimedia, and mobile broadband services, as well as fixed fiber broadband services for both consumer and corporate markets. The pioneer has been a leading 5G developer in Hong Kong with the launch of its territory-wide 5G services since May 2020.
As part of the implementation, Covalensedigital will deploy its product, Csmart iPaaS (a cutting-edge API Gateway), that streamlines SmarTone's entry into new markets. Notable for its intuitive no-code/low-code interface, it simplifies the orchestration of complex workflows, enabling rapid adaptation to market changes. Adhering to TM Forum open API standards, Csmart iPaaS provides seamless API management, integration experience, enhancing operational agility across the business landscape.
The end-to-end solution delivers sophisticated features, including automated billing, real-time tracking, and flexible invoicing, facilitating the efficient introduction and expansion of distinctive services. Additionally, it empowers SmarTone to capitalize on the enhanced capacity, reduced latency, and accurate geo-location capabilities provided by 5G technology, while also accommodating future-oriented business models, notably those centered around B2B2x markets.
"We are thrilled to support SmarTone in accelerating its digital transformation journey across new business models and its brand portfolio. Our Csmart range of products complements Oracle solutions, aligning seamlessly with SmarTone's vision for the Hong Kong markets," said Sreenivas Peesapati, CEO of Covalensedigital.
Through this strategic partnership, Covalensedigital reaffirms its commitment to delivering excellence and pioneering solutions that empower telecom leaders like SmarTone to navigate the complexities of digital transformation with confidence and finesse.
To learn more about Covalensedigital, visit or join the conversation at X @Covalensedigi
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