Adalvo Secures First EU Generic Approval for Liraglutide Pre-Filled Pen
SAN ĠWANN, Malta, June 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Adalvo announces the successful DCP approval for Liraglutide pre-filled pen, marking it as the first generic approval in the EU.
As a bioequivalent version of Victoza® pre-filled pen, indicated for the treatment of type 2 diabetes, this peptide drug achieved global sales exceeding $4.8 billion in 2023, as reported by IQVIA.
The successful development of Liraglutide highlights Adalvo's capability to offer a diverse and comprehensive diabetes portfolio, encompassing both complex peptide injectables and small molecule oral treatments.
Adalvo's commitment to providing access to high-quality differentiated products while simultaneously navigating manufacturing complexities reinforces Adalvo's position as a trusted leader in the pharmaceutical industry.
Click Here To View Adalvo's Diabetes Portfolio
At Adalvo, there are no half-measures – they are always on target. Their mission is to be faster and stronger than their competitors, driving their vision forward with a winning team.
Adalvo is committed to maintaining the highest standards of excellence in all their endeavors and looks forward to continuing to deliver innovative healthcare solutions that make a difference in the lives of patients worldwide.
About Adalvo
Adalvo is a global pharmaceutical company, and one of the leading B2B pharmaceutical companies in Europe, with commercial partnerships in more than 130 countries and over 140 commercial partners globally. The company's declared purpose is to make a difference for patients all over the world, driven by our smart collaboration network and commitment to delivering the highest quality differentiated products and services to our partners.
Adalvo takes pride in their ability to help partners reach their goals – be those increasing revenues or pushing into new markets. Tirelessly strives for excellence in all of its endeavours, driven by a deep-rooted passion for making a difference for partners.
The company's purpose-driven culture is committed to improving the lives of patients around the world. Adalvo's dynamic leadership team brings significant experience and industry know-how, which has helped to establish the company as a reliable global partner in the industry.
Contacts: Gabrielle Cassar,
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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