2024年1月20日,泰国,曼谷 - 作为中闵集团迈向全球的新里程碑,中闵泰国海外投资集团在泰国曼谷举行了盛大的对外发布会。这一发布会于20日的昆仑决十周年系列赛事期间在曼谷SPACE PLUS举行,全球近百万网友共同见证了一场亮点不断、传奇频现的世界拳坛盛事,也见证着SPACE PLUS作为中泰格斗文化交流地标的重新出发,更是见证着中闵泰国海外投资集团正式成立的全球发布会。
January 20, 2024, Bangkok, Thailand As a new milestone for Zhongmin Group to go global, Zhongmin Thailand Overseas Investment Group held a grand press conference in Bangkok, The press conference was held in Bangkok SPACE PLUS during the 10th anniversary of the Kunlun Decision series on the 20th, and nearly one million netizens around the world witnessed a world boxing event with continuous highlights and legendary frequency
Chairman of Zhongmin Group said in an interview: Zhongmin Thailand Overseas Investment Group has opened a new chapter in its global strategy by integrating resources in real estate, entertainment and sports and new energy fields. In the field of property development, the Group will provide diverse real estate options for the Southeast Asian market, including mid-to-high-end hotel apartments, high-end residential, commercial and clubhouse projects. It is committed to creating a new lifestyle and bringing comfortable and modern living environment to consumers.
在文娱体育方面,中闵泰国海外投资集团与SPACE PLUS、昆仑决强强联合,共同展开合作,打造一个综合体矩阵。这一综合体将涵盖竞技体育赛事文化、潮流餐饮文化、电子音乐产业、特色秀场产业和时尚潮流产业,为文娱体育产业注入新的活力。
In terms of entertainment and sports, Zhongmin Thailand Overseas Investment Group and SPACE PLUS, Kunlun strong alliance, jointly cooperate to create a complex matrix. This complex will cover the culture of competitive sports events, fashion catering culture, electronic music industry, characteristic show industry and fashion trend industry, and inject new vitality into the entertainment and sports industry.
此外,中闵泰国海外投资集团还与泰国的FD co Thailand和新能源科技汽车企业达成了战略合作协议。集团计划进军泰国电动汽车市场,并投资建厂,辐射东南亚及大洋洲国家。借助新能源科技汽车企业的技术和经验,中闵泰国海外投资集团将为东南亚市场提供更多的新能源汽车选择。
In addition, Zhongmin Thailand Overseas Investment Group has also reached a strategic cooperation agreement with FD co Thailand and a new energy technology automobile company in Thailand. The group plans to enter the Thai electric vehicle market and invest in the construction of factories to radiate Southeast Asian and Oceania countries. With the technology and experience of new energy technology automobile companies, Zhongmin Thailand Overseas Investment Group will provide more options for new energy vehicles in the Southeast Asian market.
Looking ahead, Zhongmin Thailand Overseas Investment Group will continue to be guided by a global vision and uphold the ambition of its global strategy. In addition to entering new markets, the group is focusing on working with partners to create more value for consumers. They are committed to redefining the pattern of modern urban life, entertainment, sports and new energy industries, bringing more and better product and service experiences to global consumers, thus injecting more vitality into the global market. The establishment of Zhongmin Thailand Overseas Investment Group marks the beginning of their new journey in the Southeast Asian market.
About Zhongmin Thailand Overseas Investment Group
Zhongmin Thailand Overseas Investment Group is one of the global strategic layouts of Zhongmin Group. The group integrates resources in the fields of real estate, entertainment and sports, and new energy, committed to providing diversified real estate options for the Southeast Asian market and injecting new vitality into the entertainment and sports industry. In addition, the group also plans to enter the Thai new energy market and provide more new energy industry choices for the Southeast Asian market. Zhongmin Thailand Overseas Investment Group will take global strategy as the lead and inject more vitality into the global market.
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