On the obverse side of this coin, the four characters "Guangxu Yuanbao" in Chinese are inscribed within the bead circle, with a yin-yang diagram in the center. The upper ring outside the circle is "Made in Jilin Province", the lower ring is "Kuping Three Coins and Six Fens", and the left and right sides are "Yisi". The center of the reverse of the coin is a coiled dragon, with English characters on the top and bottom, and Manchu characters on each side. The overall surface of the coin is clearly carved, and the casting process is quite exquisite.
There is a distinction between chronological and non chronological silver coins in Jilin Province. This one has a chronology, and the central pattern on the front is a yin and yang diagram. In Jilin Province, the central pattern of the dragon is a common flower basket. The plants in the flower basket are evergreen, usually symbolizing evergreen throughout the four seasons, and there is a saying for seeking good luck; It is also possible to borrow homophones, implying that the rule of the Qing Dynasty could last for thousands of years. This is a Tai Chi diagram, also known as the Yin Yang diagram, which represents the harmony between yin and yang. Compared to flower baskets, the Yin Yang diagram in Jilin Silver Yuan is relatively rare, and its value is also higher.
Due to its remote location in Jilin, its unique geographical location holds special significance, and compared to many other dragon coins, the patterns on Jilin silver coins are more unique, making it a unique collection variety. In addition, the quantity of dragon production in Jilin Province is not large, so the quantity in the market is also relatively scarce, so it has extremely high collection value.
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