Expands into US Market; Appoints Adam Kline as North America CEO
NEW YORK, June 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --, a global technology platform that helps advertisers expand the reach of online video ad campaigns while ensuring brand safety and suitability, today announced the appointment of Adam Kline as its North America CEO, marking the company’s next phase of international expansion. Based in New York, Kline will oversee Biddeo’s expansion into the US market. plans and executes data-driven video campaigns for more than 150 brands and agencies in the automotive, sports, utilities, entertainment, finance, FMCG, fashion and tourism sectors, including Disney, Fox, Adidas, PepsiCo, Havas, Dentsu and GroupM. Since its inception in 2020, has experienced fast-paced growth in international markets, tripling its revenue over the last three years. The company’s growth has been propelled by advertisers’ heightened focus on digital video advertising to drive performance.
“Biddeo’s entry into the US market is a testament to its commitment to innovation and growth, and I’m thrilled to lead Biddeo’s expansion as it embarks on its next growth phase,” said Kline. “The company’s differentiated technology presents a unique opportunity to revolutionize video advertising on a global scale. I look forward to working with the talented team at Biddeo as the company embarks on its next chapter.”
Biddeo’s machine-learning technology detects patterns and behaviors that allow it to buy premium inventory 80% below market price across social platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Spotify, Linkedin and Twitch. It automatically and continuously optimizes and adjusts bids, improving the reach of video ad campaigns by up to 600%. Additionally, Biddeo’s Brand Safety and Brand Suitability technology ensures content ads run alongside aligns with brand and social responsibility values without sacrificing effectiveness.
Kline brings over three decades of experience as an executive and consultant leading multiple organizations across the technology, streaming, advertising, and gaming sectors. He joins following his successful tenure as President of Rubicon Organization, where he was instrumental in driving the company’s market expansion and strategic partnerships, significantly boosting its global footprint. Before joining Rubicon, he was President and Founder of the publicly held video game publisher 505 Games in North America. Prior to 505 Games, he was a senior executive at 20th Century Fox as Head of New Media Enterprises. As Head of New Media Enterprises at 20th Century Fox, he oversaw major video game campaigns for blockbuster films such as Avatar and The Simpsons, as well as led the team responsible for the company’s video game licensing and ecommerce initiatives.
For more information about Biddeo, please visit
Biddeo is a global technology platform that can achieve higher video campaign reach for less investment. Its campaign optimization-based machine learning technology discovers premium inventory at CPVs and CPMs below market price. The algorithmic modeling ensures campaigns never bid a cent more than necessary and efficiently allocates budget between multi-channels. Biddeo’s brand safety and suitability tech, LAIA, integrates proprietary natural language processing and video content recognition technologies, complemented by human content verification. This ensures brands a safe and secure inventory. With LAIA, brands can place their video ads on the most contextually relevant videos to reach the most impactful audience for their goals.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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