Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group to Deliver around Two Dozen Liquid-Based Hydrogen
TEMECULA, Calif., June 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group, part of Nikkiso Co. Ltd.’s Industrial division, announced that after its most recent award by SK Plug Hyverse, the Group has contracts to build and maintain approximately two dozen liquid-based hydrogen (LH2) fueling stations in South Korea.
As more buses and heavy-duty trucks look to lower carbon emissions while keeping long-distance driving capabilities, many fleet operators, transit authorities, and agencies are looking to liquid hydrogen as a solution for quick-fills and long-distance routes. Nikkiso’s experience developing and manufacturing cryogenic pumps for more than 70 years and alternative fuels fueling stations for 26 years is attracting companies like SK Plug Hyverse that want capable partners to help grow South Korea’s hydrogen infrastructure and economy.
“SK Plug Hyverse is a tremendous partner for Nikkiso in South Korea because together we bring exceptional capabilities and people to support South Korea’s progressive approach to establishing a competitive hydrogen economy,” said Peter Wagner, CEO, Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases. “Nikkiso admires South Korea’s productive and pragmatic approach to scaling up the hydrogen economy, and we look forward to further opportunities supporting its efforts.”
“There aren’t many companies that have Nikkiso’s vertically integrated fueling station with in-house liquification systems and trailer loading systems, cryogenic pumps, vacuum insulated pipe, vacuum insulated vessels, cryogenic vaporizer, industrial controls, permitting, installation, and maintenance services,” said Mike Mackey, President, Fueling & Solutions, Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases. “We’ve been building alternative fueling stations since 1998 and are proud that the work we do supports a cleaner, healthier world.”
Several liquid hydrogen stations in South Korea have already been commissioned, successfully fueling buses back-to-back, and ramping up to capacity. The remaining stations in South Korea will be brought online over the next 12 months.
About Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group
The Nikkiso Clean Energy & Industrial Gases Group is a leading provider of cryogenic equipment, technologies and applications for clean energy and industrial gas market segments. The Group employs more than 1,600 people in 22 countries and is headed by Cryogenic Industries, Inc. in Southern California, U.S., which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Nikkiso Co., Ltd. (TSE: 6376).
Media contact
Lisa Adams
Mobile: +1 (405) 492-1689
About Nikkiso Co. Ltd.
Since its establishment in 1953, Nikkiso has contributed to solving social issues by anticipating the changing times with world-first and Japan-first technologies and products. In the industrial business, Nikkiso has created new markets by developing products in the energy field, hemodialysis-related products in the medical business, and CFRP (carbon fiber reinforced plastic) aerostructures in the aerospace business.
About SK Plug Hyverse
SKPH is a joint venture between SK E&S and Plug Power Inc, a leading provider of turnkey hydrogen solutions for the global green hydrogen economy, to pursue integrated solution businesses throughout the clean hydrogen value chain in Asia.
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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