GPS Capital Markets Enters into Agreement to be Acquired by Corpay
SALT LAKE CITY, June 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- GPS Capital Markets, LLC, a leading fintech firm offering corporate foreign exchange services, announced entering into a definitive agreement to be acquired by Corpay, Inc. (NYSE: CPAY), a leading corporate payments company.
This acquisition will bring tremendous benefits to GPS Capital Markets clients, including enhanced delivery channels and expanded access to FX services across global markets.
“At GPS our clients are at the heart of everything we do. With Corpay's resources and our team's expertise, we are poised to provide even greater value and drive transformative outcomes in the financial markets. The combined capabilities of our two companies will significantly benefit our clients and our employees,” says Brandon Parke, President and CEO of GPS Capital Markets.
By combining the strengths of GPS Capital Markets and Corpay, we are uniquely positioned to deliver unparalleled value in the market.
“GPS is our third largest deal ever. We're quite excited about GPS's assets including a bluechip roster of clients, a team of terrific FX specialists, and a market-leading FX netting technology,” said Ron Clarke, Chairman and CEO of Corpay, Inc.
The transaction is expected to close in early 2025 subject to obtaining required regulatory approvals and other customary closing conditions.
For more details on the GPS Capital Markets acquisition visit:
About Corpay (NYSE: CPAY) is a global S&P 500 corporate payments company that helps businesses and consumers manage and pay expenses in a simple, controlled manner. Corpay’s suite of modern payment solutions help its customers better manage vehicle-related expenses (e.g. fueling and parking), travel expenses (e.g. hotel bookings) and accounts payable (e.g. paying vendors). This results in customers saving time and ultimately spending less. To learn more visit
Headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, GPS Capital Markets, LLC provides corporate foreign exchange services that help companies manage their foreign currency risk and execute foreign currency transactions. Founded in 2002, GPS brings together a senior management team rich in international banking experience from the world's leading financial institutions. GPS has several offices throughout the United States, as well as in Australia, Canada, the European Union and the United Kingdom. It combines competitive exchange rates with a host of tailored international financial solutions for its clients. For more information, visit
Press contact:
GPS Capital Markets
Lindsey Wing
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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