CallTower Expands Growth Leadership Team in EMEA
CallTower Welcomes New EMEA Sales Directors and Sales Operations Manager: Pedro Dias, Sean Blackmore, Rick Sellers and Giggsy Jayaweera
SALT LAKE CITY, UT, ROCHESTER, NY, BOSTON, MA, LONDON, June 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- CallTower, a global leader in delivering unified communications, contact center, and collaboration solutions, including Microsoft Teams, Webex by Cisco, and Zoom, is thrilled to announce the appointment of Pedro Dias, Sean Blackmore, and Rick Sellers as Sales Directors for the Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) region and Giggsy Jayaweera as Sales Operations Manager EMEA, reporting to Paul Holden, Vice President of EMEA Sales.
Pedro Dias, with over 18 years of experience, joins CallTower in Portugal, bringing expertise from key positions at BroadSoft, Cisco, and Akixi. His strategic initiatives and client relationships align seamlessly with CallTower's values, driving growth and partnerships in EMEA, leading Cisco-based initiatives.
Sean Blackmore, an experienced professional in channel partnerships and technology, will lead CallTower's Microsoft practice and complementary partnerships, including Solgari. His appointment reflects CallTower's commitment to growth and innovation in Europe.
Rick Sellers joins CallTower EMEA to head the ZOOM team. With a background in technical and sales roles, Rick's passion for understanding customer needs and experience with various industries make him a valuable addition to the team. Rick's diverse experience, spanning from the US to Asia, brings a wealth of knowledge to CallTower.
Finally, Giggsy Jayaweera joins the CallTower EMEA Team in the role of Sales Operations Manager EMEA. Giggsy brings vast experience in operational efficiency and productivity, helping improve selling time. He will work closely with the EMEA Sales Team whilst also working with the existing domestic Sales Operations as CallTower scales globally.
"We are thrilled to welcome Pedro, Sean, Rick and Giggsy to our EMEA team," said Paul Holden, Vice President of EMEA Sales at CallTower. "Their extensive experience and proven track records will be invaluable as we continue to drive growth and innovation in the region. Having worked with all four new hires in previous roles at different companies, I chose them specifically as both the best in the industry and a great cultural fit for CallTower."
"As we expand our presence in the EMEA region, I am thrilled to introduce our dynamic new sales team and sales ops members,” confirmed CallTower CRO William Rubio. “Their passion, expertise, and dedication will drive our success and strengthen our commitment to excellence in serving our customers across EMEA."
CallTower’s expansion into EMEA in recent months has been fast-paced, with announcements regarding the expanded scope of Microsoft Teams Operator Connect into 17 new EMEA territories and the addition of Paul Holden as the Vice President of EMEA Sales in March of 2024.
Transforming how we connect across the globe! Dive into the future of global communication with CallTower, where the forefront of innovation meets the vast expanse of connectivity. CallTower is revolutionizing communications through cutting-edge technology. CallTower delivers seamless MS Teams, Zoom, and Webex voice solutions elevated by the integration of AI technology, comprehensive contact center solutions and one-click failover, marking a significant milestone in the communication landscape.
Since its establishment in 2002, CallTower has evolved into a global cloud-based, enterprise-class cloud communications (unified communications, contact center and collaboration) solutions provider, catering to the needs of expanding businesses globally. CallTower offers and supports cutting-edge solutions such as Operator Connect for Microsoft® Teams, MS Teams Direct Routing, GCC High Teams Direct Routing, Microsoft® 365, Cisco® Webex Calling / UCM, Cisco® CCP, Zoom Phone, Zoom (BYOB), and a range of contact center options, including Five9 for business customers.
For more information about CallTower and its award-winning services, please contact
Kade Herbert CallTower, Inc. 8003475444
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