RIB Software Cements Carbon Credentials with Groundbreaking 2050 Materials Partnership
RIB Software, a global leader in software technology for the AEC industry, has further cemented its embedded carbon credentials by partnering with 2050 Materials for its RIB CostX software application.
June, 2024 - RIB Software, a global leader in software technology for the AEC industry, has further cemented its embedded carbon credentials by partnering with 2050 Materials for its RIB CostX software application.
Building on CostX’s position as a leader in bringing carbon calculation front and center of the quantity surveying, estimation, and construction process, this agreement further allows CostX users to make informed decisions based on real-time carbon data.
“We have always strived to serve our customers with the best technology and services to ensure project profitability and carbon reduction targets,” said Steve Dousie, Managing Director of RIB Software (EMEA).
“Our groundbreaking partnership with 2050 Materials is an exciting development in our commitment to providing the framework for quantity surveyors, estimators, and professionals to make carbon assessments in real-time as a project develops.”
2050 Materials enables the construction industry to make data-driven decisions at any project stage, providing the easiest way to find and compare building materials. Its partnership with RIB Software is a key step towards its goal of helping the construction industry climate transition.
Said Phanos Hadjikyriakou, co-founder and CEO of 2050 Materials: “We are pleased to enter this strategic partnership with RIB Software to integrate 2050 Materials' carbon rate libraries into CostX's leading cost estimation software. Quantity surveyors are uniquely positioned to support the construction industry's climate transition, given their expertise in cost management and data analysis. By incorporating real-time carbon data into their workflow, they can balance cost analysis with embodied carbon assessments, driving sustainable practices across all project stages.
“This collaboration will further enable CostX users to seamlessly run carbon assessments, providing a comprehensive view of both cost and carbon impacts. With 2050 Materials' extensive database of digitized and structured Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) data and default assembly information, quantity surveyors and cost estimators will have access to accurate, up-to-date information, ensuring informed decision-making. 2050 Materials is excited to partner with CostX in this mission to empower industry professionals with the tools needed to contribute to a sustainable built environment,” Hadjikyriakou concluded.
The 2024 Digital Construction Week will be the first chance for customers to explore and discuss what this partnership will look like and will be a great opportunity to see RIB’s wider portfolio of products and services.
About RIB Software
Driven by transformative digital technologies and trends, RIB is committed to propelling the industry forward and making engineering and construction more efficient and sustainable.
Throughout its 60-year history, the business has expanded its global footprint to incorporate more than 550,000 users and 2,500 talents, with the vision of transforming the operation into a worldwide powerhouse and providing innovative software solutions to its core markets – while placing its people at the heart of everything it does.
Managing the entire project lifecycle, from planning and construction, to operation and maintenance, the development of RIB’s portfolio of software solutions is driven by industry expertise, best practice and a passion to remain at the cutting edge of technology.
Ultimately, it aims to connect people, processes and data in innovative ways to ensure its customers always complete projects within budget, on time and to high quality, while reducing their carbon footprints.
RIB Software is a proud Schneider Electric company.
Press Enquiries
John Upton
Marketing Manager, UK & Ireland
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