BYD Presents New Energy Portfolio at The smarter E Europe and Celebrates 1 Million Installed Battery
SHENZHEN, China and MUNICH, June 21, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- BYD Co. Ltd. (HKSE: 1211), one of the world’s largest rechargeable batteries and electrical vehicles manufacturers, showcased its renewable energy solutions at “The Smarter E Europe” from June 19 to 21. The exhibition at booth B1.130, B1.131 featured the latest BatteryBox energy storage systems, BatteryMax Lite, and BYD MC Cube-T for utility-scale, commercial and industrial applications. Visitors could explore the BYD electrical vehicle “Seal” and learn about BYD’s role as the official E-Mobility Partner for UEFA Euro 2024™.
Since its debut in 2015, the BYD BatteryBox series has become a leading residential energy storage solution worldwide, now boasting over 1 million installations with an impeccable safety record. On June 19th at 3:00 pm, BYD hosted a special event to thank its partners. Yin Xiaoqiang, General Manager of BYD Energy Storage presented the certificates and prizes such as UEFA Euro 2024 final tickets and BatteryBox systems to the distributors and installers. The full BYD BatteryBox Premium portfolio, including high-voltage models HVS/HVM and low-voltage models LVL/LVS, were on display. A new battery control unit (BCU) for HVM and HVS series was also introduced, simplifying installation by eliminating the need to remove covers for cable connections.
Launched at ees Europe 2024, the new BatteryMax Lite is designed for commercial and industrial applications, offering scalable solutions from 30kWh to 90kWh, and up to 5.76MWh with parallel connections. Compatible with inverters from brands like SMA and Goodwe, BatteryMax Lite will be available for pre-order from August with shipments starting in late summer, and system availability in Europe expected by October 2024.
On ees Europe 2024, BYD was awarded the recognition of “Top Brand PV Storage Europe 2024” and the “Top Brand PV Storage 2024” country-level awards for several European markets, including Belgium, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Austria, and UK. The award this year again rated BYD as the leading brand for PV energy storage systems based on the evaluations from installers and distributors across Europe.
Jiang Feng, Residential Energy Storage Director at BYD, highlighted the importance of European markets and the company’s goal to provide green energy solutions. BYD’s partnership with UEFA Euro 2024™ aligns with promoting eco-friendly energy and mobility solutions.
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