Amlan International Partners with KOFARM to Showcase Gut Health Solutions for Swine at AMVECAJ 2024
CHICAGO, Feb. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Amlan® International, the animal health business of Oil-Dri® Corporation of America, is pleased to announce its participation in the upcoming XXX AMVECAJ International Congress, scheduled to take place from February 7th to 9th, 2024, in Tepatiplan de Morelos, Jalisco. The event, organized by the Association of Veterinary Doctors Specialists in Pigs of Los Altos de Jalisco (AMVECAJ), holds significant importance in the swine sector, both nationally and internationally. The theme this year is “One Health” and will cover topics relevant to pig health management, nutrition, and animal welfare with participation of leading experts from the United States, Colombia, Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico. AMVECAJ presents an ideal platform for Amlan to showcase its natural mineral-based feed additives, technical services expertise, and engage with pig producers on a global scale.
Amlan is set to educate attendees about its solutions designed to enhance animal health and performance. The company's commitment to advancing sustainable feed technology for optimal gut health aligns seamlessly with the goals of AMVECAJ, making for a strategic alliance.
A highlight of Amlan’s presence at AMVECAJ 2024 is the collaboration with its new distributor, KOFARM to offer natural solutions to support optimal gut health and improve economic production. This partnership signifies a strengthened commitment to delivering high-quality products such as Calibrin®-Z, Varium® and NeoPrime®, and services to the Jalisco region of the Mexican market. Co-exhibiting with KOFARM allows Amlan to engage with attendees, share field insights, and explore collaborative opportunities that will further drive production efficiencies for swine producers.
“We are strategically positioned for sustained growth, particularly in Latin America. Our commitment is to deliver consistent solutions with products like NeoPrime designed to drive pig performance, naturally. This is reinforced by our partnership with KOFARM in Mexico," said Dr. Robin Jarquin, Regional Director, LATAM.
The Latin American swine industry is experiencing remarkable growth, and Amlan is poised to contribute significantly to this expansion. According to FAOSTAT, Mexico's swine meat production reached 1.73 million metric tons in 2022, positioning the country as Latin America's second-largest producer. Mexico's swine production has consistently increased annually by 3.6% over the last five years, surpassing both the Americas' 2.3% average and the global average of 0.7%.
"We are excited to be a part of AMVECAJ 2024 and help contribute to the growth of the Latin American pig industry”, said Dr. Cesar Soto, Technical Services Director, LATAM at Amlan International. “We look forward to engaging with swine producers to discuss performance successes and help them drive profits with natural solutions.”
AMVECAJ attendees can visit Amlan and KOFARM at Booth 82 to learn more about mineral-based gut health solutions and explore farm trial opportunities.
For more information on Amlan International, please visit:
Company Information:
Amlan is the animal health business of Oil-Dri Corporation of America, a leading global manufacturer and marketer of sorbent minerals. Leveraging over 80 years of expertise in mineral science, Oil-Dri Corporation of America, doing business as "Amlan International," is a publicly traded stock on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: ODC). Amlan International sells feed additives worldwide. Product availability may vary by country, associated claims do not constitute medical claims, and may differ based on government requirements.
Reagan Culbertson, Vice President of Strategic Marketing, B2B
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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