OPEN Health and fusion announce partnership to deliver AI-powered healthcare communications
London, June 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- June 24, 2024, London, UK – OPEN Health, a pre-eminent global provider of scientific communications, HEOR and market access, patient engagement, and consulting, today announced a partnership with fusion, an innovative artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) solutions provider that will work exclusively with OPEN Health. This alliance will see fusion's market-leading AI capabilities deployed across OPEN Health's extensive global client base, which includes 49 of the top 50 pharmaceutical companies.
Mary McGregor, Founder of fusion, commented, “OPEN Health provides an unrivalled platform to expand the AI agenda globally in our sector. Our longstanding relationship with OPEN Health leadership facilitated early conversations, enabling us to quickly market-test joint solutions, which led to a swift and unanimous decision to formalize this collaboration. This partnership empowers us to redefine the boundaries of what AI can accomplish in healthcare.”
Margot Hannah, Chief Executive Officer of Scientific Communications at OPEN Health, expressed her enthusiasm for the partnership: “We immediately recognized the need to expand our capabilities and started a dialog with fusion about an exclusive partnership to provide pioneering solutions that integrate OPEN Health’s capabilities with fusion’s cutting-edge expertise in AI and ML. Fusion’s expertise in this area is unparalleled, and we are excited about the possibilities this partnership brings for our clients.”
Steve Duryee, Chief Operating and Transformation Officer at OPEN Health, added, “We are committed to harnessing the power of cutting-edge technologies, including AI, ML, robotic process automation, and data analytics, to drive higher value and improved outcomes for our clients. With the recent launch of our Solutions Innovation Center, and the addition of fusion to our extended team of elite-level technology partners, we are now in the pole position to deliver the most innovative, technologically advanced solutions to our biopharmaceutical partners.”
By integrating with fusion’s advanced technology, OPEN Health underscores its commitment to leading the AI agenda with socially beneficial innovations to drive innovation and efficiency for clients. Contact OPEN Health to set up an interactive demonstration at
About OPEN Health
OPEN Health unites world-class scientific, strategic, and creative expertise to solve complex challenges for global biopharma. We are a flexible, global organization, creating high-performing strategic partnerships with our clients. We embrace our different perspectives and strengths to deliver innovative solutions that have a positive impact on commercial and patient outcomes. OPEN Health unlocks possibilities across consulting, HEOR and market access, scientific communications, and patient engagement. To learn more, visit
About fusion
fusion specializes in delivering AI and ML solutions. Known for its advanced technology and innovative approach, fusion aims to transform the pharmaceutical industry by integrating AI-first solutions. To learn more, visit
Candice Subero OPEN Health
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