Class of 2024 Graduation Ceremony
在每一颗星辰小宇宙“起飞”之前,执行校长Paul Silverwood博士给毕业生们上了“离校的最后一课”,谆谆告诫了实用的人生技能——不断探索,时刻以最积极的方式改变自己。
Paul Silverwood博士
Mark Twain is often credited with saying that the two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why…
The most important day in life is the day when you realise the true meaning of life. And to get there, you must keep exploring and let each new experience help you to change yourself in the most positive way possible.
Remember, there is nothing wrong with change. Whatever you study, whether it is creation, evolution, revolution, generation, delegation, transformation, appreciation, motivation, deliberation, diversification, circumnavigation, experimentation, or education, these are all just fancy words for change.
以自己的价值观为驱动,而不是以自身的价值 Be driven by your values, not your value.
以自己的热情为导向,而不是报酬 Be directed by your passions, not your paycheck.
听从理性和感性的声音,因为你的态度和天赋将会决定你的高度 And be sure to listen to both your head and your heart… because your attitude and your aptitude will determine your altitude.
在人生的道路上懂得设缓和刹车,才能让你无所畏惧的加速和转弯 Build brakes into your life that allow you to accelerate and hit turns without fear.
少承担,多完成 Take on less to accomplish more.
学会过滤意见:接收信号并撇除杂音 Learn to filter advice: take the signal and skip the noise.
少争辩,多劝导 Argue less and persuade more.
付出非凡的努力让事情看起来毫不费力 Put in extraordinary effort to make things seem effortless.
冲刺,休息,重复 Sprint, rest, repeat.
热爱你所做的实验,同时接受自己的错误 Love your experiments… and your mistakes
深入思考,永远不要被指责为肤浅 Think deeper… don’t ever be accused of being superficial.
阅读,阅读,再阅读 Read, read, read.
不羞于问愚蠢的问题 Ask stupid questions.
不要整理你的书桌 Don’t clean your desk.
听交响乐而不是快讯 Listen to symphonies not soundbites.
忠于自我 Be original, not fake.
不事雕琢而自由风味 Be organic, not artificial.
不依赖软件 Avoid software.
创造新词汇 Make up new words.
用心思考 Think with your mind.
实地考察并探索另一条边界 Take field trips and explore the other edge.
利用碎片化时间来填充你的计划 Make use of coffee breaks, taxi rides, traffic jams and Green Rooms to plot your devious plans.
更快地犯错且不畏惧犯错 Make mistakes faster and be proud of them.
创造自己的工具 Make your own tools.
打破它,伸展它,弯曲它,压碎它,砸破它,折叠它,移动它,摇晃它,烘烤它,唤醒它,拿走它,切割它,粘住它,推它,拉它,弹奏它,击打它,带它远走,模仿它,协调它 Break it, stretch it, bend it, crush it, crack it, fold it, move it, shake it, bake it, wake it, take it, cut it, stick it, push it, pull it, strum it, drum it, hike it, bike it, mime it, rhyme it.
冲破地心引力并创造自己的能量 Defy gravity and create your own energy.
大笑并享受人生 Laugh and enjoy life.
Today you will graduate from high school, but your association with Wycombe Abbey is not over. Today you become alumni of our school, and our global ambassadors.
You join the growing population of graduates who have gone on to the UK, Canada, Australia, the USA, Singapore, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Macau, Germany and Switzerland before you, to study Science and Technology, Commerce and Economics, the Visual and Performing Arts.
Our fates and futures are interconnected, and you should always consider yourselves brothers and sisters to each other and family members with us all. Families fight and siblings squabble, but the bonds never break.
And remember, everyone has a different clock - wait for the moment when you realise why you were born and then use your hours wisely.
即将去世界顶级服装设计学院的佘同学 (Cavell学院) 和即将去布里斯托大学学习全英排名第一的环境科学的甘同学 (Elgar学院) 都是在小学时就来到了威雅,在这里度过了7年甚至更多的时光;即将去剑桥大学攻读自然科学生物方向的丁同学 (Fonteyn学院) 和即将去港大的总年级长贾同学 (Dove学院) 也在威雅度过了完整的中学6年时光。
也有和手握帝国理工学院、港大、墨尔本大学,横跨文理多专业预录取通知书的顾同学 (Somerville学院) 那样,在初升高关键期“转轨”,在常州威雅度过分外精彩的三年的同学。
J. Jia 贾同学
Dear teachers, parents and students, good morning. I am honored to stand here one last time as the Head Prefect of the Class of 2024 and deliver my graduation speech. This time, I would like to talk about my seven years at Wycombe Abbey Changzhou and express my gratitude that I didn't get to voice earlier.
首先,我想要感谢常州威雅,和它给我带来的成长与蜕变。我清楚地记得,两年前的A Level经济试听课上,从来没有接触过经济学的我问出了一个令人忍俊不禁的问题:经济学全都是关于钱的吗?当时十二年级的一位学长认真的解答了我的疑问。一年之后,又是一节试听课上,一位十一年级的同学问出了同样的问题,而这次我成了能够为他解答解惑的人。我们往往将这种时刻称之为教育的闭环,成长的具象化。我们愿意点亮他人,因为在某一个时刻,我们也曾经被点亮。我相信无论在多么遥远的未来,在常州威雅,知识与思想将这样一代一代地继续传递下去,而我们每个人都是其中至关重要的传递者。
First, I want to thank Wycombe Abbey Changzhou for the growth and transformation it has brought me. I clearly remember an A-level economics taster session two years ago when, having never studied economics before, I asked a somewhat amusing question: "Is economics all about money?" A grade 12 student at that time patiently answered my question. During the taster session the next year, a grade 11 student asked the same question, and this time I was the one who was able to answer. This moment feels like completing a loop in education, a concretization of growth. I am willing to believe that in the future, knowledge and ideas will continue to be passed down at WAS Changzhou, and each of us is a crucial part of this transmission.
My greatest childhood dream was to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It seemed like an impossible dream, but today, I can proudly announce that I have graduated from my Hogwarts. My seven years at WAS Changzhou fulfilled all my fantasies about the magical world: classmates from around the world, teachers with different styles and personalities, lively and interesting textbooks, and novel sports I had never experienced. However, what captivated me the most was the infinite possibilities that this magical school gave me. Standing at the end of these seven years and looking back, we may not have become very remarkable adults, but I believe we have become the kind of people our year-seven selves would admire.
Next, I want to thank all the parents who have supported us along the journey. Mom, Dad, today is our graduation ceremony, and you are still sitting in the audience, just like the first day when you sent me here, remember? Back then, you probably didn't expect that you would drive the one-hundred-and-thirty kilometers from Nanjing to Changzhou over and over again for seven years. At that time, I didn't understand what international education meant. I thought it was just easy homework, long holidays, and easily getting into world-renowned universities. Later, I realized that international education was the opportunity you gave me to see the world from your shoulders. The world I see today is bright and lovely, but it didn't start out this way; it was built bit by bit through your sacrifices, support, and love.
Finally, I want to thank all the wonderful classmates and dear friends I have met at WAS Changzhou. Some of us have known each other for over six or seven years, while others have only been together for a few months. Some have walked a long way with us but are not here today, and some are still here. In my Hogwarts, I have experienced the most sincere and passionate friendships in the world. We came from different places but we met here. We are all different yet so compatible. We met at the naive ages of eleven or twelve, but now we part at the best age of eighteen. Next time the fireworks are set off in February or the cherry blossoms bloom in March, you will be lying on the lawns of Cambridge, squeezing into the London Underground, or watching the sunsets of Melbourne. In every moment of happiness, please remember me. As the poet Pablo Neruda said, "All youth is like a lamp, washed down in the rain, wet but burning." Thank you for holding the umbrella for me in the downpour, and thank you for throwing away the umbrella and getting soaked with me. Thank you for folding our memories into a whole glass bottle of paper stars, and carefully placing my youth inside.
I sometimes ask myself, what makes this magical place my Hogwarts? What makes all my memories here so precious? I think the answer is simply, us. Wherever we have stayed, wherever we are, wherever we will go, and wherever our thoughts can reach, those places are our Hogwarts. Wycombe Abbey Changzhou is like a train station, and we stand on the platform, watching people come and go. We have said goodbye to so many people and welcomed many more. Now, it's finally our turn to board this train from Changzhou to the world. No matter what storm and stress awaits us ahead, may we never be changed by this world, may we never learn to obey blindly, may we always laugh and cry freely, and may we always have dreams to pursue.
With this, I wish all graduates of the Class of 2024 a happy graduation, and a bright future.
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