A21 Launches Host Applications for Walk for Freedom 2024
Celebrating a Decade of Impact
DALLAS, TX, June 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - A21, a global nonprofit organization dedicated to eradicating human trafficking through awareness, intervention, and aftercare, is thrilled to announce that applications to become a host for the 2024 Walk For Freedom are now live. This year marks the 10th anniversary of the world's largest anti-human trafficking event of its kind, taking place on October 19th, 2024.
Since its inception in 2014, Walk For Freedom has united people worldwide, activated cities, reduced vulnerability, and multiplied freedom. We have seen over 350,000 participants take millions of steps for freedom in over 500 cities globally. The event has reached over 2 billion people through media coverage and social media and distributed over 1.4 million awareness and prevention materials.
Bring Walk For Freedom to Your City
Hosts are the catalysts for local action and global impact. They set the foundation for community mobilization, inspire others to stand for justice, and help build a legacy of freedom for future generations. As a host, you can bring Walk For Freedom to your city, raising awareness and driving action against modern-day slavery.
How Awareness Leads to Recovery
Last October, one day after participating in the Walk for Freedom in Kolkata, India, a man noticed signs of trafficking in his neighborhood. Armed with the knowledge and resources distributed during the walk, he immediately alerted local authorities, who then raided the house and rescued the girls.
“This time, when I spotted it, it stirred my heart,” said Gourav Singha Roy. “We are educated people. We are young people, living in cities, [with] urban lives. Yet, we are blind to many things that seem very normal to us. For example, little children working in the shop below the age of 14 years is something which is not right, which is illegal.”
His awareness, sparked by the Walk For Freedom event, led to the rescue of two young girls from forced labor. This story underscores the profound impact of awareness, education, and local action in the fight against human trafficking.
For more on Roy's story, watch the CNN Freedom Project Report here.
Key Details for Hosts
- Event Date: October 19, 2024
- Application Deadline: September 19, 2024
- Eligibility: Hosts must be 18 years or older and have a co-host for the event.
- Responsibilities: Hosts are responsible for organizing, preparing, communicating, managing costs, and promoting their local walk.
Host Application Process
- Apply: Submit your application online.
- Review: A21 will review your application.
- Interview: Selected candidates will be invited for a 30-minute interview.
- Decision: Applicants will be notified via email about their acceptance.
Support for Hosts
A21 provides comprehensive support to ensure the success of each Walk For Freedom event, including:
- Direct Contact with A21: Access to a dedicated team via phone, email, Zoom, and webinars.
- Digital Resource Kit: Includes posters, flyers, fact sheets, day-of signage, planning guides, and more.
Join the Movement
This year, we need your leadership more than ever. Together, we can disrupt modern-day slavery and create a world where freedom thrives. Apply to become a Walk For Freedom host and make a difference in your community.
For more information and to apply, visit www.A21.org/WalkForFreedom.
About A21:
A21 is a global nonprofit organization determined to eradicate human trafficking through awareness, intervention, and aftercare. Currently operating across over 20 countries worldwide, A21 is a global anti-human trafficking organization dedicated to abolishing slavery everywhere, forever. Through partnerships and the efforts of supporters all over the globe, A21 believes slavery can be prevented, victims can be identified and assisted, perpetrators can be brought to justice, and millions of survivors can step into a life of independence. A21.org
Should you be interested in speaking with an A21 representative about the Walk For Freedom or the impact of current events on human trafficking, please don't hesitate to contact: lauren.w@a21.org
Press artwork:
Walk for Freedom Photos
2023 Walk For Freedom Recap Video
Lauren Wittel-Henrie
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