Vicor wins preliminary injunction against Foxconn subsidiaries
ANDOVER, Mass., June 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Vicor Corporation (NASDAQ: VICR) today announced that, on June 24, 2024, the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts granted a preliminary injunction barring subsidiaries of Foxconn from pursuing arbitration against Vicor before the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (“CIETAC”).
The Foxconn subsidiaries had sought to obtain a ruling from CIETAC that small print in their purchase orders for Vicor power modules entitled them to royalty-free licenses to Vicor patents, including patents asserted in a pending investigation in the United States International Trade Commission (“ITC”). An ITC exclusion order could bar from entry into the United States infringing power converter modules (“NBMs”) and systems containing such modules, including artificial intelligence ("AI") accelerators, tensor processing units ("TPU"), graphical processing units ("GPU") and central processing units ("CPU").
In the district court action, which resulted in a temporary restraining order and a preliminary injunction, Vicor is represented by Fish & Richardson P.C.
For more information on Vicor, please visit the company’s website at
About Vicor
Vicor Corporation designs, develops, manufactures and markets modular power components and complete power systems based upon a portfolio of patented technologies. Headquartered in Andover, Massachusetts, Vicor sells its products to the power systems market, including enterprise and high performance computing, industrial equipment and automation, telecommunications and network infrastructure, vehicles and transportation, aerospace and defense.
Vicor is a registered trademark of Vicor Corporation.
For more information contact:
Phil Davies
Corporate Vice President, Global Sales and Marketing
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