At the Yacht Club de Monaco it is time for the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge
TURIN, Italy, June 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Future of engineering focused on sustainable yachting. Everything's ready for the 11th edition of the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge taking place from 1st to 6th July. Organising the competition is the Yacht Club de Monaco, led by its President HSH Prince Albert II: the key objective being to demonstrate the efficiency of alternative propulsion and hull design innovations. "Seeing how committed the new generation is shows how important it is to find answers to environmental issues," says YCM General Secretary Bernard d’Alessandri. The aim is put on a zero-emission event in terms of on-water mobility with over 50 boats attending. More than 700 students from 40-plus universities around the world (25 nations) have been working on their projects all year to earn their place and present them in the Principality. The Village showcases all the boats that are either on or about to enter the market, as well as prototypes, and is open to the public.
In the Energy Class, a category developed by YCM, contestants can for the first time add foils to their prototypes, like the British from Cambridge University Riviera Racing with their hydrogen-powered foiling catamaran. Among the 18 teams in this class, the French from Tameo Ensta/Monaco Marine from Ensta Paris will also be serious contenders with their three-engine project inspired by differential propulsion, a first for the Energy Class. In the Solar Class, 13 teams are in the line-up including the Spanish on Clean Energy Ship Uvigo from the Universidade de Vigo presenting a rather unique hull design with lines similar to a catamaran and impressive speed potential. It aims to be very stable when racing before deploying the foils to generate lift and fly over the water. Finally, in the Open Sea class for boats already on or about to enter the market, several units will be showing what they can do. The 15 registered teams include Deep Silence from Sialia Yachts, one of the largest full electric propulsion boats available on the market; and two hydrogen-powered boats, Madblue marine P-01 and Inocel-Poséidon, which will be supplied with hydrogen on 5th July by Natpower. The new electric, highperformance day boat, the Tridente, developed in ollaboration with marine technology company Vita, who are long-term supporters of the event, will also be present.
Supported by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, UBS, BMW and SBM Offshore, the event has attracted the attention and support of well-known names in the industry like Monaco Marine, Oceanco, Ferretti Group, Azimut/Benetti Group, Sanlorenzo and Lürssen, all keen to play a part in the yachting transformation. So for these young competitors there are opportunities to make contact with the industry by applying for job offers and internships via the Job Forum. At the last edition this facility led to over 80 interviews. There is also investment in time made by the professionals through the Corporate Mentoring Programme which provides bespoke support year-round by facilitating exchanges between the industry and universities.
This year for the first time, YCM is partnering with IEMA (International Electric Marine Association) by helping it organise its first Annual Meeting at the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge. The event is multi-facetted, particularly on the water with a range of motorboating challenges such as the manoeuvrability tests, sea trials, speed record and the YCM E-Boat Rally. While innovative solutions are being tested on the water, students are also given a voice at the daily Tech Talks to exchange knowledge and experiences with fellow contestants in open source. As the focus is on progressing alternative propulsion, professionals get a chance to have their say at two half-day conferences: the first (Thursday 4th July) is on alternative fuels and cutting-edge technologies in the yachting field, while the second is the annual Hydrogen Round Table (5th edition this year) organised by the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, the Monaco Energy Transition and YCM, which will address hydrogen innovation in the maritime and yachting industry.
The Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation is launching the Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation Sustainable Yachting Technology Award, the prize being a grant of €25,000 for best technological solution in terms of energy efficiency and/or carbon reduction. The winner will be announced on 6th July and will be able to present progress on their project at the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge for three years starting 2025.
For more information:
Press Office LaPresse -
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