The Sanborn Map Company Appoints Sandip Goswami as Managing Director for Sanborn Geophysics ULC
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., Feb. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Sanborn Map Company, Inc. (Sanborn), a global leader in geospatial solutions, announces the appointment of Sandip Goswami as the Managing Director of Sanborn Geophysics ULC. Sanborn Geophysics is at the forefront of providing innovative geophysical survey services and equipment sales for minerals and energy resource mapping and exploration.
Sandip Goswami brings over 30 years of extensive experience in geophysical instrumentation and airborne and ground geophysical surveys to his role as Managing Director. Holding an MS in Applied Geology, he has successfully facilitated business deals in more than 40 countries worldwide. Prior to joining Sanborn Geophysics, Goswami served as the CEO of Nuvia Dynamics (formerly Pico Envirotec, Inc).
"Sandip provides the international sales experience and technical expertise needed to drive company growth and leadership" remarked John Copple, CEO of The Sanborn Map Company, the parent company of Sanborn Geophysics ULC.
Joining Sandip in key roles at Sanborn Geophysics are:
Paul Dalley, Sales Manager: With 34 years of experience in the geophysical survey and radiation monitoring instrumentation industry, Dalley will bring his expertise in sales support, global logistics, customer service management, and field training and technical documentation.
Kevin Killin, Chief Geophysicist: With 40 years of extensive experience in airborne, ground, and environmental geophysics, Killin specializes in survey design, survey costing, equipment testing, quality control, analysis, and data acquisition for magnetic and radiometric data collection systems.
Together, Sandip Goswami, Paul Dalley, and Kevin Killin form a formidable leadership team poised to lead Sanborn Geophysics ULC to new heights in the geophysical surveying and equipment industry.
About The Sanborn Map Company:
Sanborn’s leadership in the creation of high-quality spatial data began in 1866. Today Sanborn is at the forefront of spatial data collection and technology innovation and committed to offering clients the best in comprehensive state-of-the-art geospatial solutions tailored to their situation. The Sanborn advantage is to help customers identify the right data and tech, and to create solutions that match their needs, budget, and system requirements. Sanborn’s ISO 9001:2015 certification is a further demonstration of its commitment to quality.
For Media Inquiries:
Tom Harrington Jr, PhD
Chief Marketing Officer
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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