Park Place Technologies Announces Inaugural 2023 Channel Partner Awards Recipients
Regional Ceremonies Unveil Outstanding Global Achievements Among IT Solutions Providers
CLEVELAND, OH, Feb. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Last night, Park Place Technologies, the leading global data center and networking optimization firm, formally announced the winners of its inaugural 2023 Channel Partner Awards program. These awards recognize the collaboration of Park Place’s network of channel partners in solving client pain points through the adoption of IT infrastructure management and optimization services.
Partners play a pivotal role in Park Place Technologies' success, serving as a substantial driving force behind revenue generation and deal facilitation globally. Recognizing this, Park Place has committed to fostering the growth and success of its partners. The initiation of their Partner Advisory Board (PAB) in both North America and EMEA in 2023 underscores this commitment, providing a platform for communication, learning, and mutual benefit.
Furthermore, the implementation of a Channel Partner Awards program provides a platform to formally recognize organizations that contributed significantly to the organization’s success while addressing critical customer pain points. Regional ceremonies hosted in Scottsdale, Arizona and London, UK offered an opportunity to acknowledge and applaud said partners in person for their dedication and achievements throughout the previous year.
The awards constituted five categories across four regions and were open to all of Park Place Technologies' global partners that had been onboarded by January 1st, 2023. The awards titles and recipients by region were as follows:
2023 Partner of the Year
Awarded to the partners that transacted the largest total revenue contribution to Park Place Technologies between January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2023. Title winners by region include:
- North American Partner of the Year – CDW Corporation
- Asian-Pacific Partner of the Year – DXC Technology
- European, Middle Eastern, and African Public Sector Partner of the Year – Insight
- European, Middle Eastern, and African Commercial Partner of the Year – Softcat
- Latin American Partners of the Year:
- North of Latin America Region Partner of the Year – BPM @ Consulting
- Southern Cone Region Partner of the Year – Telextorage
- Andean Region Partner of the Year – Green Services and Solutions
2023 Rising Star Partner of the Year
Recognizing partners onboarded in 2022 that have showcased their partner potential in delivering live opportunities, have actively collaborated in partnership with Park Place, and have demonstrated YoY growth from the previous 12 months, between January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2023. Title winners by region include:
- North American Rising Star Partner of the Year – Lucidia IT
- Asian-Pacific Rising Star Partner of the Year – Galaxy Office Automation
- European, Middle Eastern, and African Rising Star Partner of the Year – Renewtech
- Latin American Rising Star Partners of the Year:
- North of Latin America Region Rising Star Partner of the Year – Sonda
- Southern Cone Region Rising Star Partner of the Year – Vr4
- Andean Region Rising Star Partner of the Year – IO Gestion
2023 Collaborative Partner of the Year
Acknowledging partners that have demonstrated true collaboration, working with Park Place Technologies to solve customer pain points and devise solutions, being advocates for Park Place’s range of IT infrastructure management services, and have advanced the co-operations between our sales and technical teams across our entire portfolio. Title winners by region include:
- North American Collaborative Partner of the Year – SHI International Corp
- Asian-Pacific Collaborative Partner of the Year – Phil-Data Business Systems Inc
- European, Middle Eastern, and African Collaborative Partner of the Year – Viadex
- Latin American Collaborative Partners of the Year:
- North of Latin America Region Collaborative Partner of the Year – Openstor
- Southern Cone Region Collaborative Partner of the Year – Ricoh Chile
- Andean Region Collaborative Partner of the Year - Terasys
2023 Partner Initiative of the Year
Awarded to the partners that have collaborated with Park Place Technologies to deliver a stand-out initiative. This initiative either aligns their partner sales teams with Park Place, or actively promotes Park Place’s portfolio of services to their end-user customers, resulting in demonstratable alignment with Park Place and our portfolio of services. Key criteria included total number of aligned reps and opportunities per rep worked in conjunction with Park Place sellers. Title winners by region include:
- North American Partner Initiative of the Year – CDW Corporation
- Asian-Pacific Partner Initiative of the Year – Information System Services Co. (Japan)
- European, Middle Eastern, and African Partner Initiative of the Year – Constor Solutions
- Latin American Partner Initiative of the Year – Sdelka
2023 Partner Deal of the Year
Recognizing the partners responsible for delivering the single largest deal opportunity to Park Place Technologies between January 1, 2023, and December 31, 2023. Title winners by region include:
- North American Partner Deal of the Year – Technologent
- Asian-Pacific Partner Deal of the Year – DXC Technology
- European, Middle Eastern, and African Partner Deal of the Year – Softcat
Chad Jones, Senior Director of Partner Sales at Park Place Technologies, expressed his gratitude, stating, "On behalf of Park Place Technologies, I am proud to recognize our strategic partners for their enthusiasm and commitment to scaling business within their end-user accounts.”
“The five award categories in our 2023 inaugural Partner Awards were derived from Park Place’s channel program initiatives, such as portfolio adoption and sales rep engagement,” he continued. “2023 was a banner year for Park Place, and specifically our Channel division, which saw historic growth in bookings and revenue across all business segments.”
About Park Place Technologies
Park Place Technologies is a global data center and networking optimization firm. We help more than 21,000 clients optimize data center budgets, productivity, performance, and sustainability so they can think bigger – and act faster. From procurement to decommissioning, our comprehensive portfolio of services and products helps IT teams optimize IT lifecycle management. This frees time and spend so they can focus on transforming their businesses for the future.
Park Place’s industry-leading and award-winning services portfolio includes Park Place Hardware Maintenance™, Park Place Professional Services™, ParkView Managed Services™, Entuity Software™ and Curvature Hardware sales. For more information, visit Park Place is a portfolio company of Charlesbank Capital Partners and GTCR.
Michael Miller
Park Place Technologies
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