Sportradar Secures Major Client Wins on Strength of Managed Trading Services
Sportradar's Managed Trading Services See Significant Global Adoption in H1 2024
Notable client wins in South America and Africa highlight growth
ST. GALLEN, Switzerland, July 01, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sportradar has significantly grown its Managed Trading Services (MTS) clientele in the first half of 2024, welcoming 44 new sportsbook operators to leverage its versatile and advanced operational capabilities.
MTS offers operators a customisable sportsbook management solution, enabling them to decide the extent of their in-house management or opt for external support. The solution enhances trading efficiency through AI and automation, facilitating real-time price adjustments and robust risk management. Year-to-date, Sportradar has processed more than 3.5 billion betting tickets via MTS for more than 200 clients, positioning the company as a global leader in liquidity among top bookmakers.
MTS provides operators with access to Alpha Odds, its AI-driven personalised odds technology. 16 of this year’s new MTS client intake have set-up their betting offerings using Alpha Odds, which last year boosted client profits by an average of 10% compared to a traditional odds solution.
Geographically, the adoption of MTS has been strong in South America, where Sportradar has emerged as the preferred partner for operators aiming to capture market share in newly regulated territories. In Brazil, 11 sportsbook operators have selected MTS, alongside significant client wins in Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico.
In Africa, Sportradar added 13 new operators to its existing base of 35 clients across multiple jurisdictions in the region during the first half of 2024.
Moreover, Sportradar's MTS has garnered traction across other regions including APAC, Europe, and the U.S., underscoring its global appeal and operational effectiveness in diverse market environments.
Michael Gandolfo, EVP Global Sales at Sportradar said: “As the market evolves and competition increases, operators more than ever need a partner to help them reduce time to market and establish a unique client offering. MTS provides sportsbooks with the technology and expertise they need to realise their business objectives in a hyper-competitive landscape.”
About Sportradar
Sportradar Group AG (NASDAQ: SRAD), founded in 2001, is a leading global sports technology company creating immersive experiences for sports fans and bettors. Positioned at the intersection of the sports, media and betting industries, the company provides sports federations, news media, consumer platforms and sports betting operators with a best-in-class range of solutions to help grow their business. As the trusted partner of organizations like the ATP, NBA, NHL, MLB, NASCAR, UEFA, FIFA and Bundesliga, Sportradar covers close to a million events annually across all major sports. With deep industry relationships and expertise, Sportradar is not just redefining the sports fan experience, it also safeguards sports through its Integrity Services division and advocacy for an integrity-driven environment for all involved.
For more information about Sportradar, please visit
Sportradar Press Contact:
Sandra Lee
Sportradar Investor Relations Contact:
Jim Bombassei
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