Call for Nominations: 2024 Global Citizen Award
LONDON, July 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Leading international residence and citizenship advisory firm Henley & Partners, in partnership with Andan Foundation, a Swiss non-profit humanitarian organization, is pleased to announce the call for nominations for the 2024 Global Citizen Award.
“We are looking for remarkable and inspirational individuals who demonstrate vision, courage, and innovation in driving global change.”
reated ten years ago in 2014, the Global Citizen Award is a tribute that honors remarkable individuals working to advance any one of the global challenges affecting humanity today – challenges that transcend national boundaries and cannot be resolved by any one country acting alone. This year's honor is particularly significant as it marks the 10th anniversary of the Global Citizen Award, celebrating a decade of recognizing and supporting global champions who make a profound impact on our world.
The 2024 laureate will be selected by a distinguished, independent committee and honored at the Global Citizen Award ceremony, the concluding gala evening event of the annual Henley & Partners Global Citizenship Conference which is taking place this year at Capella Singapore from 27–29 November 2024.
Henley & Partners Chairman and Founder of the Andan Foundation, Dr. Christian H. Kaelin, says the awardee’s work needs to demonstrate a positive impact on the lives of vulnerable social groups, particularly with a connection to migration-related issues. “The Global Citizen Award is open worldwide to those working in a field with a direct link to the issues they are looking to affect and excludes political figures, opinion leaders, and celebrities. The committee is looking for remarkable and inspirational individuals who demonstrate vision, courage, and innovation in driving global change, and whose actions and outlook contribute to a more just, peaceful, connected, and tolerant world.”
The selection process is confidential and is based on a majority decision of the Award Committee. The award itself consists of a bespoke sculptural medal designed by leading Italian artist Antonio Nocera, an award certificate signed by the Chairman of the Global Citizen Award Committee, and a monetary prize of USD 20,000, which goes towards supporting the awardee’s humanitarian efforts. In addition, Henley & Partners commits to working closely with the awardee for a period of one year, raising awareness of their work and supporting the selected project through the firm’s network of more than 55 offices worldwide.
Since its inception, the Global Citizen Award has honored many remarkable individuals. The first laureate was German entrepreneur Harald Höppner, who set up the refugee humanitarian aid project Sea-Watch. He was followed by Dr. Imtiaz Sooliman, Founder of the Gift of the Givers Foundation, Africa’s largest disaster relief organization, and Monique Morrow, Co-Founder of The Humanized Internet, a digital identity project that aims to bring hope to the estimated 1.1 billion individuals in the world who cannot prove their legal identity.
Diep Vuong, Co-Founder and President of the Pacific Links Foundation, was awarded for her work in Southeast Asia campaigning for the rights of those enslaved by human trafficking, while Prof. Dr. Padraig O’Malley received his Global Citizen Award in recognition of his work on conflict resolution and reconciliation in Northern Ireland, South Africa, and Iraq. Last year’s awardee Zannah Bukar Mustapha, the Founder of the Future Prowess Islamic Foundation, was recognized for the psychological, educational, spiritual and other developmental support provided to the children and widows affected by the insurgency in north-eastern Nigeria.
Commenting on the award’s 10-year history and significance, Dr. Kaelin says global citizenship ideals are a founding principle of Henley & Partners, and through its partnership with the Andan Foundation, the firm can provide support to those displaced by war, conflict and climate change. “All of our Global Citizen Award laureates have inspired us with their willingness to act in confronting a problem that many see as simply too vast to address. The issues that we face today transcend the family, the tribe, the village, and the nation. It’s more critical than ever that we do what we can to support those working to change the lives of vulnerable people around the world.”
Nominations close on Friday, 2 August 2024. For more information on how to submit your nomination, please contact Bushra Zaidan at
Sarah Nicklin
Group Head of PR
Mobile: +27 72 464 8965
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