Ascom and Almaviva sign a strategic collaboration agreement for the digitalization of care delivery
Baar, Switzerland, 2 July 2024
Ascom and Almaviva, an Italian leading information and communication technology company, have entered a strategic partnership to drive the digital transformation of the Italian healthcare sector. As part of this partnership, Ascom has been commissioned with significant Digistat projects for patient data management, including professional services and software. Further projects are planned for 2024 and 2025.
Ascom and Almaviva, the third largest privately-owned ICT group in Italy, have pooled their expertise and resources in various projects to deploy Digistat solutions across various healthcare facilities in Italy. This state-of-the-art project seeks to advance digitalization in healthcare delivery and accelerate patient data management processes, significantly improving outcomes for patients and healthcare providers. Ascom's flagship healthcare platform with Digistat enables healthcare professionals to consolidate and optimize patient information collection, analysis, and dissemination, resulting in more informed clinical decision-making and improved overall patient outcomes.
"The strategic partnership between Almaviva and Ascom underscores our shared commitment to drive innovation and excellence in Italian healthcare," remarked Andrea Leonardo, Director of Healthcare Strategic Market at Almaviva. "By harnessing the power of Digistat, we aim to empower healthcare providers with cutting-edge tools and insights to optimize patient care delivery and improve overall health outcomes."
Leonardo Manaresi, Country Manager of Ascom Italy, echoed similar sentiments: "The collaboration with Almaviva represents a significant milestone in our mission to advance healthcare digitalization in Italy. By deploying the Ascom Healthcare Platform and Digistat solutions, we seek to equip healthcare facilities with the necessary tools and capabilities to navigate the complexities of modern healthcare delivery, ultimately enhancing patient safety and satisfaction."
This project emphasizes improving operational effectiveness, patient safety, and the standard of care delivery, and represents a substantial investment in advancing digitalization in the healthcare sector.
Daniel Lack
Senior VP Legal & Communications / IR
+41 41 544 78 10
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