Strengthening women-led development: Applications open for WomenLeaders India Fellowship 2024-25 pow
- The WomenLeaders India Fellowship is looking for true catalysts for change, who are building climate resilience, enhancing access to sports, advancing educational initiatives, and strengthening livelihoods.
- Over ten months, the programme aims to empower 50 exceptional women social sector leaders and social entrepreneurs from across India, each dedicated to driving transformative change within their communities.
- In 2023, India’s G20 Presidency shifted the focus from women’s development to women-led development. This Fellowship aims to strengthen this vision by providing leadership capacity building for talented women leaders.
WASHINGTON, D.C., USA & MUMBAI, India, July 1, 2024: Following the success of the inaugural WomenLeaders India Fellowship powered by Reliance Foundation and Vital Voices to nurture women leaders in the social sector in 2022-23, Reliance Foundation and Vital Voices are thrilled to launch the call for applications for the 2024-25 cohort.
In 2023, India’s G20 Presidency shifted focus for the first time, from women’s development to women-led development. India’s collective and unwavering dedication to champion ‘Gender Equality and Empowering All Women and Girls’ secured a firm place in the G20 New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration.
In line with this vision, the WomenLeaders India Fellowship will provide leadership capacity building for talented women leaders, including social sector leaders and social entrepreneurs. The WomenLeaders India Fellowship is looking for true catalysts for change, who are building climate resilience, enhancing access to sports, advancing educational initiatives, and promoting economic self-sufficiency through livelihood strengthening.
WomonLeaders India
Over ten months, the programme aims to empower 50 exceptional women leaders from across India, each dedicated to driving transformative change within their communities. The future cohort will be selected for their ground-breaking work in Climate Resilience (including Disaster Risk Reduction), Sports for Development, Education (by strengthening early childhood care and education or addressing foundational literacy and numeracy), and Livelihood Generation at the grassroots. All Fellows will also work on their innovative projects aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through the Fellowship, benefiting from mentor and peer support.
The applications are open from July 1, 2024 to July 28, 2024, 23:59 IST.
(Apply now:
Emmanuelle Errera Vital Voices
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