WillScot Mobile Mini to Participate in Barclays Industrial Select Conference
PHOENIX, Feb. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WillScot Mobile Mini Holdings Corp. (“WillScot Mobile Mini” or the “Company”) (Nasdaq: WSC), the North American leader in innovative temporary space solutions, today announced that Tim Boswell, President and Chief Financial Officer, and Nick Girardi, Sr. Director of Treasury & Investor Relations, will participate in a fireside chat and host private investor meetings at the Barclays Industrial Select Conference in Miami, FL, on February 22, 2024. The fireside chat will take place at 9:45 am ET.
About WillScot Mobile Mini
WillScot Mobile Mini trades on the Nasdaq stock exchange under the ticker symbol “WSC.” Headquartered in Phoenix, Arizona, the Company is a leading business services provider specializing in innovative and flexible temporary space solutions. The Company’s diverse product offering includes modular office complexes, mobile offices, classrooms, temporary restrooms, portable storage containers, blast protective and climate-controlled structures, clearspan structures, and a thoughtfully curated selection of furnishings, appliances, and other services so its solutions are turnkey for customers. WillScot Mobile Mini services diverse end markets across all sectors of the economy from a network of approximately 240 branch locations and additional drop lots throughout the United States, Canada, and Mexico.
Additional Information and Where to Find It
Additional information can be found on the company's website at www.willscotmobilemini.com.
Contact Information | ||
Investor Inquiries: | Media Inquiries: | |
Nick Girardi | Jake Saylor | |
investors@willscotmobilemini.com | jake.saylor@willscot.com |
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