aiMotive achieves ISO 26262 ASIL D re-certification for aiSim 5
Pioneering safety in ADAS/AD simulation
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., July 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- aiMotive, a global leader in automotive simulation technology, has obtained ISO 26262 certification from TÜV Nord for the latest generation of its simulator, aiSim 5. Originally granted in 2020, aiSim was the world’s first simulator for ADAS/AD to achieve this certification!
TÜV Nord has confirmed that aiSim 5 complies with ISO 26262:2018 standards for automotive safety integrity level D (ASIL D). The certification emphasizes the simulator's physics-based aspects, complete determinism, and adherence to an end-to-end ISO 26262-compliant development process. It covers 33 customer use cases of scenario-based verification and validation, including the simulation of major sensor modalities and all APIs to enable seamless integration with other tools and models.
The unprecedented complexity of the solutions needed for automated driving in the automotive industry can only be solved by relying on the results of massive simulations. It’s important that aiSim 5's ISO 26262 certification streamlines the validation process for customers. By integrating aiSim into their validation pipelines, customers benefit from simplified compliance with ISO standards, saving time, resources, and costs.
“From the first day of aiSim’s development, we had two goals: on the one hand, to create a tool that closely correlates with real-world testing, from the sensors to the entire vehicle dynamics. On the other hand, to make aiSim automotive-compliant so our customers can rely on an efficient environment simulation with open interfaces covered by the highest safety standards, making the results bit-by-bit reproducible and trustworthy.”—said Szabolcs Janky, SVP of Product for aiMotive’s software tools.
Launched in January 2024, aiSim 5 represents a significant advancement in simulation technology. Powered by AI-based content creation, optimized sensor simulation, and deterministic, reproducible environments, aiSim 5 is also infused with Automotive General Intelligence (AutoGI) to enable an unprecedented scale of virtual contents and environments available for simulation.
Our certified simulator covers the most versatile use cases, from L4 automated truck sensor simulation and electric vehicle ADAS development, to complex real-time HiL simulation and adaptive scenario-based verification and validation.
About aiMotive
aiMotive is a visionary and innovative automotive technology company that provides comprehensive tooling and hardware solutions for automated driving. With a commitment to safety and performance, aiMotive is at the forefront of the automotive industry's transformation. After Stellantis acquired aiMotive in December of 2022, aiSim, aiData, and aiWare products remain available to the broader market. This approach allows aiMotive to work with global OEMs and Tier1s and maintain its status as a world-leading solution provider for automated driving. For more information, please visit
aiMotive contact:
Bence Boda
Marketing & Communications Director
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