Teledyne's high-speed, high-resolution Contact Image Sensors are now available in color
WATERLOO, Canada, July 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Teledyne DALSA is pleased to announce that its AxCIS™ family of high-speed and high-resolution fully integrated line scan imaging modules are now available in color. These easy-to-use Contact Image Sensors (CIS) combine sensors, lenses, and lights all-in-one, offering a lower cost inspection system for many demanding machine vision applications including battery and print inspection.
Powered by Teledyne's multiline CMOS image sensors, AxCIS delivers superior image quality with up to a 60 kHz x 3-line rate of native RGB colors, at a pixel size of 28 µm or 900 dpi resolution, so that defects can be detected with unprecedented precision. Its unique sensor design covers the entire field of view without missing pixels, providing a 100% seamless image without any interpolation. In addition to defect detection, its unique design also supports true metrology applications.
AxCIS has been designed with scalability to various fields of view with a single 24V power supply. With a small form factor and an optical path with an IP50 dust proof design, AxCIS can fit almost anywhere in your system, even with limited vertical clearance. Its Camera Link HS SFP+ fibreoptic interface delivers high throughput data over standard low-cost, long-length cables with immunity to EMI radiation for harsh industrial environments.
Please visit the AxCIS product page for more information and for sales enquiries, visit our contact page.
Teledyne DALSA is a part of Teledyne's Vision Solutions group and a leader in the design, manufacture, and deployment of digital imaging components for machine vision. Teledyne DALSA image sensors, cameras, smart cameras, frame grabbers, software, and vision solutions are at the heart of thousands of inspection systems around the world and across multiple industries. For more information, visit
Media Contact
Jessica Broom
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
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