UEFA and Sportradar Extend and Expand Partnership to Continue Providing Bettors and Fans with Unpara
NYON and ST. GALLEN, Switzerland, July 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Sportradar Group AG (NASDAQ: SRAD) and European Football governing body UEFA have announced a multi-year extension of their existing exclusive betting data rights agreement, expanded to include the non-exclusive right to distribute data to non-betting media.
Additionally, the agreement provides Sportradar access to certain advanced tracking. This enriched data will enhance Sportradar's cutting-edge AI products and services, enabling Sportradar to deliver innovative technology solutions to its clients.
The agreement covers all UEFA Club and National team competitions. These include the UEFA Champions League, UEFA Super Cup, UEFA Europa League, UEFA Conference League, UEFA Women's Champions League, UEFA Women's EURO 2025, the European Qualifiers to the 2026 FIFA World Cup, the European Qualifiers to UEFA EURO 2028, the UEFA Nations League, the 2025 & 2027 UEFA European Under-21 Championships, and UEFA international friendly matches.
In total, Sportradar can now offer more than 900 high-profile matches each season, marking a nearly 33% increase from the previous cycle as a result of the new formats which will be introduced for UEFA Club Competitions at the start of the 2024-25 season.
UEFA and Sportradar will also extend their long-standing integrity partnership of 15 years. To support UEFA's Anti Match-Fixing Unit, the cooperation includes dedicated intelligence and investigation resources, robust and systematic bet monitoring, and education services to support the prevention, detection and investigation of match-fixing.
Guy-Laurent Epstein, UEFA Marketing Director said: “Three years ago we embarked on a journey with Sportradar to tap into the value of match data for betting purposes. Sportradar brings to the table a wealth of experience in this field and we are delighted to be continuing this successful partnership for the next three years. As part of the agreement, we will also be continuing our long-standing cooperation to protect the integrity of UEFA and our member associations' competitions.”
Carsten Koerl, CEO Sportradar said: ”We are thrilled to expand our partnership with UEFA, offering our clients and soccer fans worldwide unparalleled engagement and value through cutting-edge solutions and comprehensive data coverage. This agreement supports our strategic focus on selectively investing in long-term rights across key global sports, enabling ongoing innovation and enhancement of our offerings.”
About Sportradar
Sportradar Group AG (NASDAQ: SRAD), founded in 2001, is a leading global sports technology company creating immersive experiences for sports fans and bettors. Positioned at the intersection of the sports, media and betting industries, the company provides sports federations, news media, consumer platforms and sports betting operators with a best-in-class range of solutions to help grow their business. As the trusted partner of organizations like the ATP, NBA, NHL, MLB, NASCAR, UEFA, FIFA and Bundesliga, Sportradar covers close to a million events annually across all major sports. With deep industry relationships and expertise, Sportradar is not just redefining the sports fan experience, it also safeguards sports through its Integrity Services division and advocacy for an integrity-driven environment for all involved.
For more information about Sportradar, please visit www.sportradar.com
Sportradar Contacts
Sandra Lee
Investor Relations:
Jim Bombassei
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