Employee Engagement Innovator Workplace Options Launches Executive Coaching Program to Elevate Human
RALEIGH, N.C., July 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - In a technology-driven world and ever-evolving workplace, where AI is often a part of daily life, there remains a need for human-centered leadership – executives who are self-aware and compassionate. Workplace Options (WPO), the world's largest independent provider of holistic wellbeing and employee engagement solutions, announced the launch of an innovative Executive Coaching Program offering individualized coaching designed to propel leadership development for teams and organizations. The new global service is composed of Consultation, Invitation Package, Leadership Assessment, and Executive Coaching sessions, where eligible members attend 12 sessions of Executive Coaching, via telephone or video, delivered by the selected Executive Coach.
“Our Executive Coaching is a catalyst for advanced leadership development, enhanced engagement, and increased commitment within teams,” said Alan King, President and CEO, Workplace Options. “Recognizing that successful leaders require more than just expertise in their respective fields, coaching is emerging as a preferred approach to empowering organizations and their employees effectively.”
When an individual begins the exclusive Executive Coaching Program, they complete a self-assessment to evaluate 25 key competencies to increase self-awareness, understand strengths and opportunity for growth. This helps with the focus of the coaching to support the greatest outcomes. Individuals are matched with an executive coach who will best strengthen their specific leadership skills and help them gain new perspectives and increased self-awareness. Every Executive Coaching Program is customized to connect with each executive's values, goals, and potential. The program was developed to produce measurable results: tangible and sustainable improvements in leadership effectiveness, decision-making, performance, and overall wellbeing.
“WPO took the 'democratization approach' to coaching and made it available to everyone in an organization,” said Debbie Jongkind, Senior Vice President of Coaching and Leadership, Workplace Options. “We are proud of the impact we have made on organizations by making coaching so accessible to all. Now, we want to deliver a world-class solution designed specifically for senior leaders of organizations. When these executives engage in our new coaching, they maximize their leadership potential, expand their confidence, and develop a strategic mindset – resulting in personal growth and positive organizational impact.”
WPO strongly believes in the powerful impact of coaching and supports its own staff and leaders with access to executive coaching, success coaching, and professional coach training. For the past 15+ years, WPO has provided wellness and life coaching for employees around the world.
What is different about the WPO Executive Coaching Program:
- Delivered by industry-leading executive coaches with extensive experience working in all parts of the world
- Personalized plan that highlights strengths and pinpoints growth opportunities
- Customized approach: tailored to address the unique and specific goals, challenges, and aspirations of each executive
- Prioritizes confidentiality and trust – safe space for executives to explore and navigate complex leadership issues with discretion
About Workplace Options
Founded in 1982, Workplace Options (WPO) is the largest independent provider of holistic wellbeing solutions. Through customized programs, and a comprehensive global network of credentialed providers and professionals, WPO supports individuals to become healthier, happier, and more productive both personally and professionally. Trusted by 57 percent of Fortune 500 companies, WPO delivers high-quality care digitally and in-person to more than 83 million people across 113,000 organizations in more than 200 countries and territories.
Jennifer Dart, Senior Corporate Communications Manager
An infographic accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/3c900eb2-40d7-4ffc-83e9-ac05eed8c266
A video accompanying this announcement is available at https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/15d1fe43-7eb2-4635-95d5-81bb35ba4c6c
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