Winvest Group Limited Subsidiary IQI Media Is Now Offering Investment Units in the Horror Film Billi
RENO, Nev., July 11, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Winvest Group Limited (OTC: WNLV) ("Winvest"), an investment holding company with diverse media and entertainment portfolios, is pleased to announce that its subsidiary IQI Media is producing a live action horror feature film titled Billie Black. IQI Media has an exclusive option agreement with the film's screenwriter and first-time director, Nick Reiber.
Other key team members for Billie Black include several talented individuals who worked on the sci-fi thriller Alien Code, the last feature film produced by IQI Media Founder and Winvest Chief Strategy Officer Khiow Hui Lim. They include: Lisa Higuchi, who will serve as a Producer as well as the Production Supervisor; Hugo Villasenor, who will serve as the Special Makeup Artist; and the skilled casting team at Morman Boling Casting.
In addition, James Mills (Unknown: The Last Pyramid) will be the Director of Photography; Devon Mathis (Westworld) has signed on as Virtual Art Director and 2nd unit Director of Photography; the legendary Lasky Productions will be handling stunt coordination, craft services, and location scouting services; and Immortal Masks, led by industry veterans Andrew and Michelle Freeman and George Frangadakis, will supervise a team of Effects Artists and incorporate their premium silicone masks, sleeves, and body suits into their custom creature designs for the film.
Anticipated to have a MPAA PG-13 rating, Billie Black is about a woman whose paranormal abilities always felt like a curse growing up. But now, following the death of her husband, she spends her days banishing unwanted ghosts…for a fee. Her few remaining friends—and her beloved husband's ghost—all disapprove of her dangerous profession, and for good reason. As she ventures in the seedier corners of the paranormal world, she discovers new evils that not only threaten her life, but also her dearly departed husband's soul.
“Billie Black is a story about love, loss, and the difficult act of letting go, all told from the perspective of a character literally haunted by her past,” said writer/director Nick Reiber, who is known for his web series Mild Mannered and the action/horror short film No Touching, which has garnered over 1 million views on YouTube. “What makes it different is that it expands on the genre of hauntings and ghosts and is as invested in its characters as it is in providing chills and scares. I am delighted to work with IQI Media to bring a one-of-a-kind horror heroine like Billie to life.”
Another aspect that sets Billie Black apart would be the producers' plans to leverage cutting-edge virtual production technology. Combining CGI, AR, motion capture, and other advanced techniques, this approach is poised to reduce post-production visual effects costs by nearly 80% and allow the production to go from inception to completion in an estimated 10 months or less. Pre-production will last four months, principal photography—scheduled to take place in Los Angeles, California—will last roughly 30 days, and post-production will last three months, according to the preliminary production schedule.
Limited Liability Company Interests (Units) are now available in Billy Black Production, LLC, a California Limited Liability Company, which will fund the next stages of the project's development, including acquiring the script and pitching the project to prospective industry partners. There is a minimum purchase of 1 Unit for $200,000 (in most cases), and investors are to be paid 100% of the LLC's distributable cash until they receive 125% of their originally invested capital; then creative deferments, if any, are paid. After payment of deferments, if any, the LLC's distributable cash will be shared on a 50/50 basis between the Manager and LLC members (pro rata amongst them) for 15 years.
The following screen credits—plus an incentive package that includes a visit to the set, VIP tickets to the film's premiere and afterparty, and a signed copy of the movie poster—are being offered for those who purchase multiple units:
- Associate Producer: 2 Units ($400,000)
- Co-Producer: 4 Units ($800,000)
- Executive Producer: 5+ Units ($1,000,000 and above)
This is a mini-maxi offering—sold by the LLC Manager on a “Best Efforts” basis—with a minimum of 3 Units ($600,000) and a maximum of 10 Units ($2M) to be raised from accredited investors only. Two Units have already been purchased, and the LLC Manager is now seeking to secure the sale of one additional Unit to meet the minimum fundraising goal necessary to initiate pre-production. For more details on this unique investment opportunity, including the terms, projections, incentive packages, and risks, interested parties may request the Private Placement Memorandum.
Investor Contact:
Khiow Hui Lim
Founder of IQI Media & Chief Strategy Officer of Winvest
1055 E. Colorado Blvd, Suite 500, Pasadena, CA 91106
Phone: 626-240-4600
Photo available:
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