LS Retail and FreedomPay partner to deliver unified payments worldwide
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, July 15, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LS Retail, an Aptos Company has partnered with FreedomPay, the world’s largest independent payment gateway. This partnership enables retail and hospitality businesses that use LS Retail software to deliver simpler, faster payment experiences to their customers with minimum effort.
LS Retail: Supporting businesses around the world
Over 100,000+ retail, restaurant, pharmacy, forecourt, and hospitality businesses already rely on LS Retail software solutions to manage their entire operation. LS Central is LS Retail’s comprehensive retail management system that extends Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central ERP with industry-specific functionality. The solution enables businesses to run back-office operations, sales, financials, inventory, eCommerce, customer loyalty, and more on a single platform. LS Pay is an Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) software solution that enables businesses using LS Central to have a choice when it comes to selecting a payment service provider (PSP) with out-of-the-box support for several PSPs in multiple regions.
FreedomPay: A leader of payment innovation
FreedomPay is a data-driven commerce platform delivering secure, seamless transactions across industries such as retail, food and beverage, and hospitality. The Next Level Commerce™ platform combines security, identity, payments, loyalty, and business intelligence into one solution, enabling businesses to offer a hyper-personalized purchasing experience for their customers while ensuring the highest level of safety and compliance across all channels.
Enhancing the payment experience together
Thanks to this new partnership, businesses running their operations on LS Retail software will be able to connect not only to FreedomPay, but also to any of the PSPs that leverage the white-labeled FreedomPay technology stack. The LS Pay-FreedomPay integration is available out-of-the-box to LS Central and LS Pay users. Included are advanced payment functionalities, including Point to Point Encryption (P2PE) capabilities and transaction analytics. Currently, the FreedomPay integration is available for PSPs in 75+ countries and continues to expand rapidly across the globe.
By taking advantage of the FreedomPay and LS Pay platforms, merchants can speed up and simplify the payment process across all channels, staying on the cutting edge of omnichannel payment technology without the need for a complex integration project.
"We are looking forward to a long-lasting partnership with FreedomPay," says Petur Sigurdsson, Product Director of LS Pay at LS Retail. "Unified payments play a crucial role in delivering seamless experiences across all channels and our collaboration with FreedomPay underscores our commitment to providing businesses with the technology they need to stay ahead in a competitive landscape.”
“FreedomPay’s single unified platform brings industry-leading commerce innovation, security and global connectivity to merchants looking to take their businesses to the next level,” said Nate Ware, SVP Sales & Digital Development at FreedomPay. “Our partnership with LS Retail will enable merchants to offer best-in-class technology for a seamless commerce experience.”
About LS Retail, an Aptos Company
LS Retail, an Aptos Company is a world-leading developer and provider of unified software solutions for retail, hospitality, food service, and pharmacy businesses.
The LS Retail solutions unite ERP, Point of Sale, e-commerce, order and inventory management, CRM, advanced analytics and more, in just one platform. Every day, over 100,000 stores, restaurants, pharmacies, resorts, and other businesses in 157 countries run on LS Retail software. Learn more at
About FreedomPay
FreedomPay’s Next Level Commerce™ platform transforms existing payment systems and processes from legacy to leading edge and enables merchants to unleash the power of pay. As the premier choice for many of the largest companies across the globe in retail, hospitality, lodging, gaming, sports and entertainment, foodservice, education, healthcare and financial services, FreedomPay’s technology has been purposely built to deliver rock solid performance in the highly complex environment of global commerce.
The company maintains a world-class security environment and was one of the first payment solution providers in North America to be validated by the PCI Security Standards Council. FreedomPay’s robust solutions across payments, security, identity, and data analytics are available in-store, online and on-mobile and are supported by rapid API adoption. The award winning FreedomPay Commerce Platform operates on a single, unified technology stack across multiple continents allowing enterprises to deliver an innovative Next Level experience on a global scale.
Jennifer Tayebi Burson for FreedomPay +1 734 395 0780
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