Accruent Sets New Standard in Workplace Space Optimization with Launch of Accruent Space Intelligenc
AUSTIN, Texas, July 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Accruent, the leading provider of workplace and asset management solutions, today announced the launch of Accruent Space Intelligence™ (ASI), its latest space optimization and planning solution. ASI is designed to help organizations manage the complexities of the current workplace landscape, which has experienced a substantial shift toward underutilized office spaces since the pandemic—expected to surge to as much as 1 billion square feet by the end of this decade. Additionally, projected vacancy rates are anticipated to be 55% higher than pre-pandemic levels.i
In response to the evolving workplace, where 87% of organizations have hybrid work programs and 72% rely on data for space utilization planningii, ASI overcomes key challenges such as fragmented data sources. The space intelligence solution provides centralized insights from aggregated data that empower companies to make informed, strategic decisions based on a comprehensive view of their portfolio.
ASI reduces the time, resources and redundant systems that organizations and educational institutions often rely on for gathering and analyzing space utilization data, offering a standout solution in a market where many organizations lack dedicated space management software or are seeking better alternatives to their current systems.
The solution’s primary module offers a single pane of glass analytics tool that simplifies complex utilization data by transforming it into actionable insights. This capability allows corporate real estate professionals to gain a holistic understanding of their current space usage and to strategize effectively. Complementing this is a forecasting capability that acts as a virtual testing ground, enabling teams to simulate departmental restacking and scenario comparisons, enhancing planning accuracy and foresight.
ASI’s digital tools for scenario planning natively integrate with Accruent’s EMS® and FAMIS 360® products and with various other customer data streams, including lease and badge data. This integration is key to facilitating accurate, data-driven decision-making.
“Our goal is to enable our customers to take advantage of workplace data to maximize their current spaces to better align with today’s employee and student needs. This is a key contributor to cost savings at a time when corporations and universities are navigating budget constraints and optimizing their environments to changing space needs,” said Richard Leurig, Chief Product and Technology Officer at Accruent.
Key features of ASI include:
- A single pane of glass analytics tool that distills utilization data and reveals comprehensive insights.
- A consolidated view of key data – including space usage, lease details, and operational costs – across all sites, with the ability to dive into granular data at building and floor levels.
- Dynamic dashboards and interactive floor plans for scenario planning, allowing for easy comparison, collaboration, and measurement of space utilization changes.
- A forecasting capability that offers a virtual testing ground in which teams can restack departments and spaces and plan for future capacity scenarios.
For more information on Accruent Space Intelligence, please visit here.
Accruent is a leading provider of solutions for unifying the built environment — spanning real estate, physical and digital assets, and the integrated technology systems that connect and control them. Accruent continues to set new expectations for how organizations can use data to transform how they manage their facilities and assets. With U.S. headquarters in Austin, Texas, Accruent serves over 5,000 customers in a wide range of industries in more than 100 countries worldwide.
Accruent is a registered trademark of Accruent, LLC or its subsidiaries in the United States and other jurisdictions. ©2024 All Rights Reserved.
Accruent media contact:
Stephanie Leontis
iCushman & Wakefield (2023). Obsolescence Equals Opportunity.
ii Quadro, M., Gratrix, C., Michalik, M., Hynes, R. (2024) Global Occupancy Planning Benchmarking Report 2024. JLL.
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