Andan Foundation Announces Award for Innovation in Refugee Inclusion in Collaboration with the Massa
ZURICH, Switzerland, July 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Swiss-based humanitarian non-profit organisation, Andan Foundation, in collaboration with MIT Solve of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), is delighted to announce this year’s Andan Prize for Innovation in Refugee Inclusion, which seeks to promote solutions that advance the economic, financial, and political inclusion of refugees within their hosting communities.
The USD 50,000 Andan Prize for Innovation in Refugee Inclusion is awarded every year to the most promising solutions that address the needs and challenges of refugees and is aimed at supporting innovative approaches that foster integration, empowerment, and sustainable development for displaced populations.
MIT Solve launches open calls for exceptional and diverse solutions to the most pressing global challenges, from anyone, anywhere in the world. Selected innovators get the backing of MIT and their community of supporters to scale impact and drive lasting change.
Joint initiatives to foster innovation solutions
The Andan Foundation is looking for solutions that focus on:
- Economic Inclusion and Livelihoods: Developing technologies and business models that create sustainable economic opportunities for refugees and displaced populations.
- Financial Inclusion: Seeking solutions to expand affordable financial services for underserved communities and enhance economic growth.
- Political Inclusion: Seeking solutions to empower marginalized communities by addressing voter suppression and lack of representation.
Prize winners will be announced at the Solve Challenge Finals on 23 September 2024 during the UN General Assembly Week in New York City.
Notes to Editors
About The Andan Foundation
The Andan Foundation is a non-profit humanitarian organization based in Switzerland founded by Dr. Christian Kaelin. It is regulated by the Swiss Federal Authority for the Supervision of Foundations and audited annually by BDO.
Andan leads private sector initiatives to support families fleeing their homes due to war, internal conflict, and climate change. It identifies and develops innovative, sustainable solutions promoting refugees’ self-reliance, boosting their resilience, and fostering their inclusion in their new countries. Andan prioritizes projects that expand economic, financial, and political opportunities for both refugee populations and the communities that welcome them. Andan facilitates and propels partnerships between the private sector and UN agencies, governments, NGOs, and academic institutions concerned with refugees and migrants.
About MIT Solve
MIT Solve is an initiative by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) designed to address global challenges through innovation and entrepreneurship. Launched in 2015, MIT Solve runs annual challenges that attract diverse, tech-driven solutions from around the world. The initiative focuses on pressing issues such as sustainability, education, health, and economic prosperity. Through its inclusive approach, MIT Solve empowers social entrepreneurs with funding, mentorship, and connections to influential partners. This distinctive model nurtures scalable solutions, enabling transformative ideas to generate tangible impacts for underserved communities globally.
Media Contact
For further information, please contact:
Bushra Zaidan
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