Mohawk Highlights Sustainability Progress in 2023 Impact Report
CALHOUN, Ga., July 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mohawk Industries, Inc. (NYSE: MHK) today published its 15th annual impact report, Surfaces with Purpose, which documents the Company’s 2023 progress toward its sustainability goals and shares activities from around the globe that reflect Mohawk’s commitment to people and the planet.
“Sustainability is more than a good philosophy; it is good business,” said Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Jeff Lorberbaum. “Our business is dedicated to delivering results for our investors, customers, employees and communities. Our products are manufactured utilizing sustainable practices that help to lower our carbon footprint, conserve resources and incorporate significant recycled content, including almost 60 billion plastic bottles during the past decade.”
With talented teams and state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities in 19 countries, Mohawk is the world’s largest flooring manufacturer. The Company offers a comprehensive portfolio of residential and commercial products aligned with local market preferences, including a broad selection of sustainable products in every category.
“For customers, this report is an opportunity to see the impact that Mohawk is making through our sustainable products and practices,” said Chief Sustainability Officer Malisa Maynard. “Mohawk is committed to a sustainable future through product innovation and product circularity, including carbon, waste and water reduction. I am proud of the progress our global team made in 2023, and we are focused on achieving even greater outcomes.”
Highlights of Mohawk’s 2023 impact report include:
- In 2023, Mohawk exceeded its greenhouse gas emissions intensity goal, with a reduction of 36% from its 2010 baseline. Mohawk was recognized by USA Today as one of America’s Climate Leaders in both 2023 and 2024.
- Last year, Mohawk recovered 44.9 million pounds of end-of-life products through recycling and repurposing.
- Approximately 58% of Mohawk’s manufacturing waste was recovered, recycled or reused in 2023.
- Mohawk’s 2023 global water withdrawal intensity improved 42% from its 2010 baseline, reflecting in part millions of gallons of wastewater reused in or eliminated from manufacturing processes.
- Forty-three percent of Mohawk’s U.S. workforce is Black, Indigenous or People of Color (BIPOC). This year, Newsweek ranked Mohawk among America’s Greatest Workplaces - Diversity & Women.
- More than 10% of Mohawk’s global workforce has been with the Company for 25 or more years.
- Through safety program enhancements, Mohawk’s 2023 global recordable incident rate has dropped approximately 10% compared to five years ago.
- During 2023, Mohawk expanded its “Culture of Care” through sustainability partnerships, including Plastic Bank®, One Tree Planted® and Rhinory®.
To view Mohawk’s complete 2023 impact report, please visit here.
About Mohawk Industries
Mohawk Industries is the leading global manufacturer of flooring products that enhance residential and commercial spaces around the world. Mohawk’s industry leading innovation has yielded products and technologies that differentiate its brands in the marketplace and satisfy all remodeling and new construction requirements. During the past three decades, Mohawk has transformed its business from an American carpet manufacturer into the world’s largest flooring company with operations on five continents. Mohawk’s vertically integrated manufacturing and distribution processes provide competitive advantages in the production of carpet, rugs, ceramic tile, laminate, wood, stone and vinyl flooring as well as chipboard, melamine board, high pressure laminate decorative panels and insulation products. Mohawk’s brands are among the most recognized in the industry and include American Olean, Daltile, Durkan, Eliane, Elizabeth, Feltex, Godfrey Hirst, Grupo Daltile, IVC Commercial, IVC Home, Karastan, Leoline, Marazzi, Mohawk, Mohawk Group, Mohawk Home, Performance Accessories, Pergo, Quick-Step, Unilin and Vitromex. For more information, please visit
Contact: Robert Webb –
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